View Full Version : A Sad Day for the Front Range Woodturners

Ron Howard
04-04-2011, 11:28 AM
Last night we lost a friend, mentor and fellow wood turner Pete Holtus of Colorado. Pete was always there to lend a hand, give advice and helped a lot of us get started in woodturning, he will be missed by many.

Ron Howard
Parker, CO

Jon McElwain
04-04-2011, 12:39 PM
Sorry to hear this. I never met Pete, but I'm sure I have been in the same room with him before at a club meeting. Usually I attend the Rocky Mountain Woodturner's meetings, but there is a lot of back and forth between the two clubs - I get down there once in a great while.

Dan Forman
04-04-2011, 2:18 PM
Sorry to hear this news. Sounds like he was a fixture in the Denver turning scene.


Tim Thiebaut
04-04-2011, 2:55 PM
I am sorry to hear this, I was never able to make it to any of the meetings so I didnt know him, but am sorry for your loss.

ronald ainge
04-04-2011, 8:20 PM
First of all I would like to thank Ron for getting this notice on the web. Pete has for as long as I have known him has been a main stay of our club. I have known Pete for about 10 year and have had the privledge of working with him on several projects like turning for the troops which he was the lead person for the past several years. I also worked with at a function known as Kids Spree where we turned spinning tops and then took the tops and our small lathes to the park and let the kids paint them as they turned slowley in the lathes. The kids had fun but I think the guys that were there watching the kids had the best time. We made 1400 to give away last year. Pete was the type of person that you would never hear a bad word from, even if he did not like a person he would find something nice to say about them. He will be truly missed. We thougth so much of Pete that we made him a life time member two years ago.

Ron Ainge
Front Range Woodturners