View Full Version : Creeker's Weekend Accomplishments.....

Dennis Peacock
04-04-2011, 8:44 AM
4 Apr 2011

Good Morning,
Been a stormy morning here with thunderstorms and strong winds, but hey, that's just the way it is here in spring time.

After a several uses of the Kraut forks, the LOML and the LOML Jr. like them as the design works well so this one design will be a keeper. I'm pondering on a different design for the typical form of a fork for a more common use.

Been doing a lot of work in the yard since the weather has been nice. Now that my back is much better, working in the yard was much more enjoyable. Man, I sure do hate back problems.!!

The LOML Jr and her fiancée got baptized yesterday and we took off from our normal church service to attend and share that time with them. It was a special time for all of us and we are very proud of them.

Well, that's it for me, so what did YOU do this past weekend.??

Best of weeks to you all.

Bob Riefer
04-04-2011, 9:18 AM
I completed the 8 week journey from totally gutting this room, to turning it into what you see here. Except for the counter top and floor, I did 100% of the work from rebuilding the subfloor through all electrical and plumbing, through drywall and painting, through design and installation of everything, of designing and building the island and it's smaller counterpart (not pictured here)......


04-04-2011, 9:22 AM
Good morning,

We continued the bathroom remodeling started earlier on the first of 3 bathrooms. Part of the plumbing on the new bathtub was repairing a small slow leak in the copper tubing upstream. I got my first experience in using Pex in lieu of copper. Other than the nasty cost on some of the fittings, I have to say that is neat stuff. In addition to the plumbing repair and rough in for the new tub, wired some new recessed lights, hung a piece (first of several) hardy backer board (underlayment for tile).

Matt Meiser
04-04-2011, 9:33 AM
We did a makeover on my daughter's room from "little girl" to "trendy" with the trendy bits being bedding, a rug, etc so we don't have to repaint again in a few years. Emptied the room ripped out the carpet (almost the last of the original carpet in the house--only the basement stairs remain!,) removed all the trim, patched and painted the walls, sanded old paint off the the edges of the trim, restained and re-polyed, installed a laminate floor, and put it all back together. Phew!

Also sold our hot tub over the weekend. We haven't been using it much the last couple years and shut it down this winter to see if we'd really miss it. We started it back up a few weeks ago and used it exactly once since. Getting it off the deck into the buyer's trailer was quite the adventure, especially since it started sleeting about 10 minutes before they arrived. Either the the 4 guys who installed it made it look easy, or I've forgotten how hard they had it after 7-1/2 years!

Shawn Pixley
04-04-2011, 10:03 AM
Slow weekend! Last couple of weeks were very stressful at work, so few plans for the weekend. I did manage to pick up some cherry for the next table I am building. Sunday, I played in a nine-ball tournemant. Finished fourth. Low for me but after not playing for a year, I'm pretty okay with it.

Jim Becker
04-04-2011, 10:47 AM
Did you feel the earth shaking? I actually was in my shop two days in a row, although only working on minor projects; a new riding whip/crop holder for the barn we ride at and rebuilding a beautiful carved teak lamp that Professor Dr. SWMBO has had in storage for many years. I also cleaned out the "garage"...which is a shorthand way of referring to that space where the ZTR and various landscaping and gardening tools and materials live at the end of my shop building.

Ruhi Arslan
04-04-2011, 10:53 AM
Filed my taxes!!! We used to get it done, paying $450 each year. This time around, we decided to tackle it ourselves. It took us the better of the day for the Federal, NJ and NY (yes, we pay two states :( ).

I continued working on my bench. While I was finalizing dimensions the front apron and perimeter pieces, I had a planer "incident" which resulted change of plans. Had to take 1/4" from the thickness to correct the nasty snipe which was my fault. Prepared a filler block for the front vise. I decided that it is time to tackle it with hand tools. I started a 20" long rough 8/4 to get a 3" x 1 3/4" piece. It was very satisfying to get a nicely smooth, square and flat piece. :D

David Hostetler
04-04-2011, 10:57 AM
I messed my back up late last week (Thursday night) being cocky and thinking I can lift my drill press solo.

So what kept me on my back more or less this weekend was a mobile base build for my drill press. I did the standard thing for the HF universal mobile base, but I wanted the base to offer more stability and added height for a more comfortable working height for my 6' 0" frame, so I made the base 28" wide x 24" deep, and then I simply face jointed / planed down smooth and straight 2@ 24" sections of 2x6 SYP. Gives me plenty of height, lots of stability, and I can roll it away from the door when I need to...



And more painful that throwing my back out again, I started on my taxes. It appears I might end up owing this year. My household income is way down as it's just me now bringing home the bacon, and my taxes are trying to take a big bite out of what I don't have. Great....

Rod Sheridan
04-04-2011, 11:39 AM
Well, it was cupboard door weekend (one weekend a month my shop is taken over by a group women from a local non profit who are making new kitchen cupboard doors for one unit per month).

So I made coffee, tea and oatmeal muffins and went out to the garbage (oops I mean Garage) and started throwing out stuff for projects I'll never start, or can't remember what they were intended to become.

Regards, Rod.

Jonathan Spool
04-04-2011, 12:36 PM
Had a busy weekend. Built a faceframe that has ball bearing glass door slides integrated into it, for by batthroom cabinet. And then spent a day at Dave Schweitzer's shop, looking at some of his work, and some of the new D-way tools he is making.
Of course I recieved some tutoring from Dave (which is always welcome!) and picked up some excellent pointers on adjusting the Wolverine jig.

John Sanford
04-05-2011, 12:19 AM
Had a "long" weekend, low stress. I spent a lot of it working with a friend of mine on a pair of his projects. Mostly, I was instructing him on how to do things. He built a second stable for his sawponies. Apparently, he'd rather stack 'em in pairs rather than all four in a single stable. Not an especially challenging project, but he has the warm fuzzies of doing it all himself. The second of his projects that we worked on is a printer stand. We milled the lumber and did about half of the cutting.

I also finished up the ramps for my gate module, a whole lotta work that would have been sooooo much easier with slightly different tooling.

Last, I built a new chisel rack. 'Tis too tall, I may cut it down, or set it aside for a while.