View Full Version : Good price for this lathe?

Michael Weber
04-03-2011, 10:37 PM
Lathe for sale semi-locally. Is it a good price for the make/model? Just interested in getting a lathe on a budget for starters. Thanks. http:// fayar.craigslist.org/tls/2302909468.html

Steve Vaughan
04-04-2011, 7:13 AM
There's gonna be some folks on board here that will have personal experience with this lathe...I do not. But, the guy's offering a 2 week warranty which to me would help. I do notice the belt drive and step pulleys, so you might have a challenge there...not sure of the rpm's which could be critical to anything out of balance. But still, you're looking for a place to start and it looks like he's got everything there to start.

The other side of the coin would be add a few more hundred and you'll have a brand new ride, with full warranty. You won't get the additional tools, so there will be other costs, but in this vortex, that sort of comes with the territory.

Michael Weber
04-04-2011, 10:40 AM
Thanks for the info Steve. I guess I'll pass since I just don't have enough knowledge to really assess the value. If it was a great deal it's probably already gone anyway. Besides, who needs a lathe anyway?:D

John Hart
04-04-2011, 11:24 AM
Wow....I want it!!! :) Too bad it's so far away. Too bad I don't have $300 :(
If all that guy did was table legs and baseball bats, it's probably not beat up or nuthin'.

'Course...this guy has a drawback. I checked around and looked at other similar Rockwell models, and it looks like your minimum speed is 900 RPM. That's a bit fast, and roughing would be a real bear. It seems that the motor is probably 3/4 HP.

If it were me...I would immediately retrofit it with a different motor and pulley system to try and get that speed down...