View Full Version : On the curve!

Richard Kennedy UK
04-02-2011, 6:44 AM
Hi all!

The learning curve that is!
This is the next HF in the process I am really enjoying the process of exploring colour and line. This is a trail and probably an error with regard to the colour its a piece of Oak which I dyes with royal blue and purple spirit stain then went over the piece with liming wax before the stain had fully dried the effect was to create lilac coloured wax very odd! still it has the effect of changing colour as the light falls on it so I guess its in the hmm interesting category

about 5 inches high all and any comment welcomed I think the shape is better this time inthe short time I have been making this shape I can see a development which is something!

Thanks for looking


Keith E Byrd
04-02-2011, 6:48 AM
Richard, I am not experienced enough to give a good technical critique but I like the form and the coloring.

John Hart
04-02-2011, 7:18 AM
I think you've discovered some exciting aspects of coloration, Richard. The variation and color transitions are very pleasing. My only critique, which is irrelevant, is that the ingrain in the oak tends to distract from all those color transitions for me. The form is great. This would be an astounding piece in a wood with a tight ingrain....like maple or something.

Very nice work. :)

John Keeton
04-02-2011, 7:21 AM
Richard, I kinda like the coloration on this one, but I would have to say I liked the form better on the "Journey" piece. This one is a little heavy in the bottom for my tastes, but well done nonetheless! Oak seems to lend itself to such varied color applications. I have been watching your work with increased interest on trying some more dye applications with oak.

Steve Schlumpf
04-02-2011, 11:45 AM
Richard - pretty cool and the only thing I would like to see you change is the size of the photo! Hard to see the liming wax and the color it adds to the piece. You are allowed up to a 1024 pixel size and a file size of no more than 107 KB.

Looking forward to seeing your next turning and where your trial & error experimentation leads you!

Richard Kennedy UK
04-02-2011, 3:16 PM
Thanks everyone for your comments I am really enjoying exploring these shapes I have done about 10 now, 6 since I got back into the studio each one is a challenge in a different way but I still struggle with getting the inside a consistent thickness and bump free! The colours are great fun but I seem to (probably from rushing) add loads of different ones and end up with a dark blend of mushy colour! I reduced the number of colours to 2 on this one but it still ended up quite dark.

John the shape is slightly fuller on this one I did this intentionally (for a change) as I am interested in how the line of the outside can go so badly out of proportion so easily. I looked at Andy DiPietro's work which has a fuller profile and wanted to see how easy/ hard it was to do!

Steve as for the photo I am lazy I post work on several forums, for wow I am able to save a photo 1200 pixels and 200kb for other forums its 600pix and 65kb I am in the habit of saving the two file types I will try to remember to factor in the third!

Thanks again for all your comments I appreciate it!
