View Full Version : Broke down and ordered a hollowing system.

Jack Mincey
04-01-2011, 3:40 PM
I've been hollowing free hand for a number of years now and fill that I'm getting the hang of it. The problem is that I find myself getting beat up when I go past 10" deep with the free hand tools I have. I've been surfing the forums looking at every bit of info on captive systems I can find. I am a firm believer in buying the best quality equipment one can find and not looking back at what one could have bought later. After months of looking I put in an order for a Kobra hollowing system this week to help me in my desire to make larger HF's in the future. Most turners that have this system seem to hollow up to 15" with out much problem and one is hollowing up to 23" deep with it. It looks to be built like a tank and I like the way one can mount a handle on the back side and use the tool much like a free hand tool with the mechanical advantage of the articulated arm. I hope to have it before summer and I will post a thread on how I feel it operates when I do get it and have a chance to put it through it's paces. My right elbow and arm pit will like this purchase even if my wallet won't.

Steve Schlumpf
04-01-2011, 3:48 PM
I totally understand why you are getting a hollowing system - it is no fun feeling like you were beat up just because you wanted to create a hollow form! I look forward to seeing photos of your new system and reading how you like using it!

John Keeton
04-01-2011, 4:27 PM
Jack, your body and mind will appreciate it, even if your wallet doesn't!!! The enjoyment factor will increase substantially. Congrats, and I look forward to the pics.

Roger Chandler
04-01-2011, 4:33 PM
You likely added a lot of longevity to your turning career with this purchase, even though your wallet is crying!

Jerry A Arnold
04-01-2011, 7:27 PM
Jack: I will be building your system next week, all the machining is done and then on to paint.

David E Keller
04-01-2011, 8:15 PM
That's great, Jack. I'm looking forward to hearing your impressions of that system, and I'm really looking forward to seeing what you make with it.

Jack Mincey
04-01-2011, 8:56 PM
Thanks everyone, sounds like I'll be under pressure to come up with some nice forms with my new system. Hope I'm up to the challenge.
Jerrry, sounds great to me, and welcome to the Creek. I look forward to putting it to work.

Lupe Duncan
04-01-2011, 9:01 PM
Sounds like fun.

What may I ask are you using right now?

Baxter Smith
04-01-2011, 9:16 PM
Congratulations on the upgrade. I recently succumbed for the same reason. Looking forward to what you think of it.

John Hart
04-01-2011, 9:18 PM
I was like you, Jack. I did all my hollowing by hand (and still do from time to time). I sure know the feeling. When Ernie Nyvall was gracious enough to build me a captured system, it changed things overnight. Just amazing to clear out the bottom of a tall vase without whackin' myself in the face once per revolution!!! Heaven awaits you. ;)

Mark Hubl
04-01-2011, 9:30 PM
Congrats Jack, hope it serves you well. All this talk of monsters and kobras has me scarred. Will I succumb to the force?

Jack Mincey
04-02-2011, 8:39 AM
I've been using my home made hollowing tools that are made of both 3/4" and 5/8" round steel for my straight tools and John Jordan 3/4" and 1/2" curved hollowing tools. I can hollow a vessel down to 10" deep with no problem using my free hand tools. I like the feel of hollowing free hand on the smaller forms, but want to turn larger forms than are comfortable with my freehand tools.
Mark, Your response made me laugh, hadn't ever thought of the names in that way. May the force be with you.

Brian Effinger
04-02-2011, 10:44 AM
sounds like I'll be under pressure to come up with some nice forms with my new system. Hope I'm up to the challenge.

Congrats Jack! You have such a great eye for form, and your pieces are always beautiful, I don't think you should feel any pressure. In fact, I'm kind of amazed that all of your forms have been hand hollowed up until now.

Don't forget the pics when it comes. :D

Rob Sitze
04-02-2011, 11:36 AM
Curious as to why this system over the monster? I've been looking at hollowing rigs for a year now, had just about decided on the monster. I hadn't seen this one yet. Decisions, decisions.

Jack Mincey
04-02-2011, 12:31 PM
Rob, I have heard nothing but good things about the Monster articulated arm as well as the Kobra. The reason for my wanting the Kobra is that it is able to hollow deeper than the monster system. Most turners say that one has some difficulty hollowing deeper than around 10" with the Monster system while turners are hollowing 15" with the kobra. Since I can hollow up to 10" free hand without much problem I wanted something that would help me surpass that. I will let everyone know how it works for me.

bob svoboda
04-02-2011, 4:36 PM
The Kobra looks like a great system to me. Will look forward to you posting your impressions. Congrat's on the new system.

Rob Sitze
04-02-2011, 5:31 PM
Rob, I have heard nothing but good things about the Monster articulated arm as well as the Kobra. The reason for my wanting the Kobra is that it is able to hollow deeper than the monster system. Most turners say that one has some difficulty hollowing deeper than around 10" with the Monster system while turners are hollowing 15" with the kobra. Since I can hollow up to 10" free hand without much problem I wanted something that would help me surpass that. I will let everyone know how it works for me.

Thanks for the reply, I've only turned a few HF's by hand, I look forward to your review. I really want to know if it's good for a beginner HF turner.

Ted Okolichany
04-02-2011, 8:15 PM
Be a good club demo for you coming up....Good luck.
