View Full Version : The End of Power Woodworking?

Don Bullock
04-01-2011, 1:27 PM
Check this out this article.


Better stock up on your power tools soon (or at least by April 2).:eek:;)

Ray Newman
04-01-2011, 1:34 PM
I wonder how many will believe it??....

John Coloccia
04-01-2011, 1:39 PM
I say we all boycott Lee Kneelson!


Jim Rimmer
04-01-2011, 2:08 PM
They usually get a lot of complaints before people realize the date. Did you see their free plans? :D

Jonathan Spool
04-01-2011, 2:37 PM
What date is it today?

Dan Hintz
04-01-2011, 2:43 PM
I liked their grainless boards, Neutralignum.

david brum
04-01-2011, 3:28 PM
I can hardly wait for their article on shop-made sandpaper.

Charlie Jones
04-01-2011, 3:42 PM
I think it's cool that a magazine would put that much thought into a gag.

Chip Lindley
04-01-2011, 3:56 PM
I say we all boycott Lee Kneelson!

Oh, I thought you said, Lie-Nielsen ! *chuckle* They, like the Neander forum here at SMC, are big contributors to NAPS! *eye roll*

Happy April 1 !!

Paul Halpern
04-01-2011, 3:58 PM
Gary Rogowski had a different take on this topic...


ray hampton
04-01-2011, 4:13 PM
I hope that this story amount to a April Joke, otherwise ,we may be in more trouble than we can guess

Myk Rian
04-01-2011, 4:26 PM
Yes, it is an April 1st joke.
Lee Kneelson?

There is an island in the Detroit river, Grosse Isl, that a local paper many years ago reported they were going to wrap chains around it, and tug boat it up the Detroit river.
My Sister-in-law believed it.

Richard Dooling
04-01-2011, 4:41 PM
I like the shop-made sand paper in Tricks of the Trade and the "detailed" plans for wood shims you can actually make yourself!!! Triangular - what a great concept. My cube shaped shims never seem to work very well.

Ole Anderson
04-01-2011, 4:57 PM
The same link showed a woodworker that painted all of his work black. I liked the Ellie McPherson comment anyway in that one. Happy April first.

Joe Shinall
04-01-2011, 10:48 PM
Woodworkers could lose a few pounds? I just picked up and moved my 400 pound jointer and 500 pound planer to make room for my 500 pound drum sander! Who needs hand tools?!!!

Victor Robinson
04-02-2011, 5:11 AM
Mack E. Avelly...clever

michael case
04-02-2011, 7:17 AM
Very funny! A little too close to the way thing are going in the reality.