View Full Version : Large storage cabinet help

Jack Clay
03-31-2011, 11:06 PM
I have picked up two steel cabinets from work that weigh around 200 pound a piece. The frame of the cabinet will support a lot of weight. They held electronic equipment that has been removed so they have rubber seals to keep the dust out. My problem is I would like to have some ideas to set them up to have all my storage in one place. Each cabinet is 29 inches deep 39 inches wide and 7 feet tall. I have had open shelves and it seems like they just get stuff piled on them in no order. I also thought about draws but I do not thank that would be practical above 5 feet in the cabinets. I would like to see if anybody has set up storage in large cabinets. Thank you for you help and I look forward to your pictures.

Bill Huber
04-01-2011, 12:38 AM
Man that is really nice, with 2 of them you will have space for all kinds of stuff.

I think I would make the lower part into drawers and the upper part shelves. The high shelves could be made at a slant so you could get stuff easier. If they still have the rack rails in them it will be really easy to do just about anything you want with them.

Ben Hatcher
04-01-2011, 4:06 PM
I have 3 cabinets similar to those you've described. In my experience, having such deep cabinets is a bit of a bother for most things. There’s a lot of wasted space since most of your tools, even when they’re in the cases, don’t need that much depth. I stacked things two deep for a while only to find that there is some law of organization that says whatever you put in back will be the item you need first.
The thing that helped me most in organizing the cabinets was to put related items together in one of those plastic shoe box totes (with a label). On shelves where I store stair, I make sure that shelf is below eye level and that there’s plenty of room in there to see what’s in the back.
Good luck, and if there’s anyone out there who in envious of something like this, PM me. I’ve got 3 I wouldn’t mind selling.

Ed Hazel
04-01-2011, 4:55 PM
Is it possible to make drawers that will fit in the cabinet? Like a giant tool box and have a shelf on the top section?

Thom Sturgill
04-01-2011, 6:04 PM
If the rails are there, great. Build shallow drawers that pull out (full extension) and space them a foot or so apart as needed. You can also do vertical panels that pull out and hang items on them. Several can sit side by side.