View Full Version : Fun at PATINA

Matthew Dunne
03-30-2011, 9:43 PM
A few weeks ago I headed to the PATINA tool auction/sale. This is a yearly event hosted by the Potomac area tool collectors (something like that--a clever anagram). I'm something of a Neanderthal newbie, and I could scarcely process the unfathomable awesomeness. There were wall-to-wall hand tools, everything from a Stanley # 1 in the flesh (for $2.5 K, or something) to great bins of dividers, squares, braces, etc for $5 or $10 a piece. I had a ball, spent a good deal of cash, and came away with a ton of goodies. If anybody lives within driving distance, I highly recommend it.

The big ticket item for me was a Stanley 45. This was fairly complete, missing only the long arms and one or two cutters. (I'm picking up a set of the arms from St. James Tool Co. for a few bucks.) It needed a little TLC, but for $75, I was pleased.

This also gave me a chance to dive into the world of electrolysis. I was extremely impressed. I forgot to take before and after shots of the blades, which were the most striking, but these should give you some idea.

And in its all-together
I also picked up an egg beater and a brace, which seem to me to be in nice working order. I don't remember exactly, but these were something like $10 per.

And, I got a nice big tenon saw for $20, and a Record 71 router plane for $30. It only had one cutter, so I ordered a full set from Veritas, which of course cost more than the plane itself!
I also got a nice sweetheart low angle block for cheap (it was in the electrolysis bath when I took the pics), and a sweet little rosewood and brass square for about $5 (forgot to take a pic, sorry. I guess it didn't happen).

Neither my wife nor my friends have much interest in hearing me maunder on about this haul, but I know you folks will appreciate how much fun I had, and how psyched I am to start using all this stuff.


john davey
03-30-2011, 10:19 PM
Looks like you had a good time there.... I was all set to go and was sick as a dog that weekend. Never left the house. Oh well, I have to bring my Mom to CT this summer so maybe I'll stop at Brasscity to make up for missing this. Is PATINA only once a year or is there another session in the fall????

Tony Zaffuto
03-30-2011, 11:24 PM
Once a year, in March.

This Friday, at the Radisson Inn in Harrisburg, PA (actually Camp Hill) is the Fine Tool Journal tool sale and Saturday is the auction. Tool sale on Friday starts at 1:00 and you'll find many of the same guys from PATINA there.