View Full Version : Holly bowl in the rough.

Donny Lawson
03-30-2011, 8:32 PM
Today I found a nice size piece of Holly and decided to turn it a little different. The piece I turned was a crotch piece but instead of cutting out the pith I just sliced off the sides and cut out a 8" circle and turned it. I have it soaking in DNA right now and hopefully it will turn out well. It was wet,"VERY WET". I slung water all over everything. OK, now the question, Should I leave it in the DNA overnight or just for a few hours? The Black lines are not cracks but looks like cracks.

Rich Aldrich
03-30-2011, 8:38 PM
I like to soak bowls for at least 24 hours. I beleive that you can soak them for too short of time, but I dont think it hurts to leave them in for a longer time than necessary. However, others have more experience at this than I do.

Jack Mincey
03-30-2011, 8:44 PM
Looks great. I don't soak any of my bowls so I can't help you there. I would hit the black line with a lot of super thin CA before I bagged it to dry. It sure looks to be a bark inclusion that will open up into a crack if you don't saturate it with CA before it has a chance to turn into a crack. It is a nice piece of holly so I wish you the best of luck.

John Keeton
03-30-2011, 9:36 PM
I agree with Jack on the "soon to be" cracks. That sure looks like bark, and if so, it will crack if left to dry without CA. Donny, you could have turned it to about 3/4" thick and it would dry quicker (may be already, but hard to tell.) For what it is worth, I left a piece in DNA for 2 weeks and it did fine.

Ken Hill
03-30-2011, 9:54 PM
A week minimum here ....agree with getting what appears to be crack prone areas CA'd

It should turn out to be a sweet little bowl!

Nathan Hawkes
03-30-2011, 10:57 PM
Soak the crack with CA glue!!

Jim Burr
03-30-2011, 11:17 PM
Good looking bowl! As mentioned above...to long is better than to short. I've forgotten stuff in there for 2 weeks with no issues. Just wrap it up good when you pull it out!

Donny Lawson
04-01-2011, 6:45 AM
Well, I left the bowl in the DNA for about 24hrs, removed and drained for about 2hrs. I them added alot of thin CA. After the CA dried I even added a little Anchorseal to the black areas. It is now wrapped in newspaper with the inside of the bowl exposed for air and put on a shelf to do its thing. Hopefully it will work.