View Full Version : Agazzani B-20/20 vs. Laguna LT-20

Brian Foree
03-29-2011, 12:15 AM
Yes, I have all their specs and prices, but really which is the better saw?

Ken Fitzgerald
03-29-2011, 12:33 AM

Unless somebody has owned both and used them for an extensive period of time, I doubt you could get an objective answer to your question.

I can tell you I was looking at those two and a Mini-Max. I traded emails with Mark Duginske asking the same question. His reply...You can't go wrong with one of those Italian made bandsaws.

It's important to notice that not every saw made by some companies is an Italian made bandsaw....some are made in eastern Europe.....

Mike Archambeau
03-29-2011, 6:48 PM

Unless somebody has owned both and used them for an extensive period of time, I doubt you could get an objective answer to your question.

I can tell you I was looking at those two and a Mini-Max. I traded emails with Mark Duginske asking the same question. His reply...You can't go wrong with one of those Italian made bandsaws.

It's important to notice that not every saw made by some companies is an Italian made bandsaw....some are made in eastern Europe.....

And some are made even further east as-in Far-east.

Todd Bin
03-29-2011, 9:30 PM
What is it about BandSaw threads. They just suck you right in. I own a MM24 and am relatively happy with it. Go try to find someone who ownes the saw you are looking at and use it. I wish there was more info on the Aggazani on the web. The lack of info is what ruled them out for me but...Eagle tools supposedly has great customer service (despite their horrible website). I guess that says something in todays internet age that you can have a really bad web page and still do a booming business. I have used a Laguna saw--nice saw. But if you put a nice blade on any of them (Aggazani, Laguna or MM), spend a little time getting it set up, I would bet you couldn't tell a hair's difference between the cut in any of them. So it comes down to subtle features and customer service. What do I mean by subtle? Well, one of the features I liked about the MM is that the tires can be replace without having to send the wheels in.

David Hawxhurst
03-29-2011, 10:09 PM
the better saw is who's service center is closer to you.

Chip Lindley
03-30-2011, 1:09 AM
I just love saying "Agazzani!" It sounds Italian; it IS Italian! Agazanni does not hype an "American-sounding" name. I'd buy their stuff just to say I had one! ;-)

Paul McGaha
03-30-2011, 6:46 AM
I think David Hawxhurst makes a very good point.

What happens if the tool arrives either damaged or with some kind of problems. What happens if it needs servicing later on.

When you buy the tool you also buy the manufactures policy about tool repair and does their policy work ok for you.


Jeff Ranck
03-30-2011, 7:29 AM
I have the Agazzani and I just love it. I'm not sure if I can mention where I bought it, but the folks there were great to work with. It came crated to withstand a drop from 20,000 ft. It took me a long time to get the crate off.

The Agazzani that I bought doesn't have the resaw height that the others do, but so far, I haven't missed it. It was simple to set up, runs great and I love the vulcanized tires on the wheels. I also love the planed cast iron top that mine has.

I think you can find folks that like any of the saws you list. They are all great saws. Try them or just pick one and don't look back.

Tom Cross
04-02-2011, 10:27 PM
Love my B20 as well. Did an extremely detailed comparison to every othr major brand and it won hands down for my usage. I have posted details before on my comparison.