View Full Version : Man In The Maze

Mark Hubl
03-28-2011, 8:18 PM
Well, what a week to be in a SW form mood. I returned from AZ early Saturday full of sw inspiration and low & behold got a bunch more here. :)

Everyone has been cranking them out. I can only imagine what Keeton has up his sleeve, with that new lathe and all.

So, put a piece of butternut on and here is what developed. This form is inspired by several pieces I saw on my trip. The top is the "Man In The Maze" symbol. It has been used in baskets and silver smithing. I believe the smiths to be Hopi, the form was also done by Hopi artists.

I am humbled by the work of Winton, Myroup, Adkins and others every time I try and do some pyro. I really need to take a class. The piece is about 6" x 2 1/2", butternut with AO. Needs a couple more coats of AO. C&C welcome.

Jeff Myroup
03-28-2011, 9:10 PM
Well, what a week to be in a SW form mood. I returned from AZ early Saturday full of sw inspiration and low & behold got a bunch more here. :)

Everyone has been cranking them out. I can only imagine what Keeton has up his sleeve, with that new lathe and all.

So, put a piece of butternut on and here is what developed. This form is inspired by several pieces I saw on my trip. The top is the "Man In The Maze" symbol. It has been used in baskets and silver smithing. I believe the smiths to be Hopi, the form was also done by Hopi artists.

I am humbled by the work of Winton, Myroup, Adkins and others every time I try and do some pyro. I really need to take a class. The piece is about 6" x 2 1/2", butternut with AO. Needs a couple more coats of AO. C&C welcome.

Wow Mark I am humbled to be included in that group. Thank you.

I really like this. Nice job. The pyro will come in time. Lines are the hardest. you have to have a constant temp and constant velocity. Very hard to do on something round where the line breaks.

On a side note, I was wondering where you disappeared too. Bob, Gary and I are heading to the wood lot in chicago heights wednesday if you want to come.

David E Keller
03-28-2011, 9:18 PM
That's cool, Mark. I really like the shape of the piece. The pyro is tough... I feel like a 5 year old with a crayon in my hand everytime I touch the burner. You've done a nice job on this.

Steve Schlumpf
03-28-2011, 9:24 PM
Pretty cool! Love the form and I am familiar with the man in the maze! You did a really good job on getting that burned in! Seriously - nice work! Thanks for sharing!

Bob Bergstrom
03-28-2011, 9:27 PM
Boy I didn't see that wood on the bottom when you picked it out at the club. Nice work and it's good to have you back. I sent you a pm about Weds

Jeff Myroup
03-28-2011, 11:02 PM
Mark, what kind of pen did you use to burn the lines?

Mark Hubl
03-28-2011, 11:13 PM
Mark, what kind of pen did you use to burn the lines?

Jeff, I used a Nibsburner pen with the smallest chisel tip. First I laid out the lines with an xacto knife. Not too bad for the first attempt at lines like this. Did not want to burn too deep, the top is pretty thin. They look better in person than the pics. The top of the piece is textured by hammering, so they look a bit wavy.

Jeff Myroup
03-28-2011, 11:31 PM
When I make lines I like a nice sharp spear point skew. You have to sharpen it and polish it, but it cuts and burns at the same time. I use ceramic stones to sharpen and clean them.

Dan Forman
03-29-2011, 12:28 AM
Love the concept, think you pulled it off well. Nice form, and the bottom is cool too.


steven carter
03-29-2011, 9:31 AM

Very nice SW form! I really like the pyro work, and feel that if the lines were perfectly placed an burned, it would not capture as well, the essence of what the bowl imitates. For me you have captured the art of the original makers of the pottery.

Jim Adkins
03-29-2011, 10:53 AM
Mark....Thanks for mentioning my name with Winton & Myroup....Thats choice company. AH, the Maze is amazing, You did a great job on this one, no class needed, just practice, practice & practice. Very nice job.

Jim Burr
03-29-2011, 10:56 AM
Great effort Mark. That lip curl is a nice touch. Nice art that doesn't take away from the piece and the butternut kinda looks like adobe!

John Keeton
03-29-2011, 11:01 AM
Mark, sweet form!! I really like the butternut - lot of character and warmth to it, and a good palette for the great job you did on the pyro work!

Unfortunately, I my OCD is requiring that I get everything "comfortable" again with this new lathe before I undertake any serious turning. I have tried, without success, to get my mind on turning - but, I really need to get my lights set back up, address some other issues with storage, etc. that I will have to have with the Jet. Soon, though!!

Very, very nice work!!

Mark Hubl
03-30-2011, 1:44 AM
Thanks all for the comments and encouragement. This piece looked a whole bunch better after a couple of coats of finish. The photography was also really crappy.:( Getting lazy.

I feel like a 5 year old with a crayon in my hand everytime I touch the burner.

Ain't that the truth, except my hand is a whole bunch less steady and I can't see, other than that not a problem.

Boy I didn't see that wood on the bottom when you picked it out at the club.

Bob, that big piece of butternut has an inclusion running all the way through it. Right in the middle for the most part. Might be some more interesting stuff, but also a lot of waste. It can be pretty though.