View Full Version : Finally made something that wasn't kindling

Matt Ranum
03-28-2011, 8:05 PM
Did you ever have one of those issues where something is so simple yet you keep inventing new ways to screw it up? :confused::p Thats the way I've been lately with trying my hand at these pot calls. They're not perfect but their a start. The walnut ended up being pretty darn thin on top by the time I could eliminate some tearout and definitely has a higher pitch than the oak one does.

Slate over glass. I have to do some experimenting with finishes on these. I used a satin wipe on poly but don't care much for the look of it.


Steve Schlumpf
03-28-2011, 9:32 PM
Matt - these both look like they turned out good! Not sure about the finish - by that I mean they look fine as is and I am not sure you need to do anything more! Nice work!

David E Keller
03-28-2011, 9:40 PM
I haven't tried my hand at these, but I don't see anything wrong with what you've got here. I would like a bit more shine... You can always pick up some gloss WOP if you feel the same.

Matt Ranum
03-28-2011, 10:55 PM
These here aren't too bad but you should see all the others that ended up in the fireplace because I accidentally took out the ledge the striking surface sits on while hollowing :p or get a catch and wrecked a pot or mounting a pot in a chuck while final sanding it and tightening to much and cracking it. :mad:

Haven't been able to spend much time on spinning things lately and I guess I need to teach myself finesse again. ;)

For a finish I would personally like to get a deep rich gloss and I think I'm going to have to work on my CA finish to get what I want. I could get that look with lacquer but I don't think that will hold up well enough in the field.