View Full Version : Box elder hollow form

Hayes Rutherford
03-28-2011, 7:04 PM
This photo was taken by Dan Forman during his visit to my shop. Box elder burl about 7-1/2" wide, with 3 or 4 light coats of Fornby's tung oil finish. This burl was starting to get a little soft so prior to final cuts it received some very thin shellac. I was thinking of buffing but probably won't because of crevices etc. Any thoughts? Comments always welcome and thanks for looking.

Jon Prouty
03-28-2011, 7:16 PM
That is very nice - don't do naything more to it... great just as it is.


David DeCristoforo
03-28-2011, 7:40 PM
That's beautiful Hayes. Personally I would not touch it. It looks great "as is" and with my luck, a thread from the buffing wheel would catch on one of the edges causing the whole thing to be sucked into one of the voids, more than likely destroying the piece in the process.

Mark Hubl
03-28-2011, 7:52 PM
Looks great, love the form and box elder is lovely. I would just stay away from the buffer. Those wheels just love to toss rough burl edges!

David Reed
03-28-2011, 7:59 PM
I'm a sucker for any natural edge burl piece and this is no exception. The burl at the top is beautiful and the red band just looks too surreal to be real!

Donny Lawson
03-28-2011, 9:08 PM
Nice shape and looks great. Box elder is a great looking wood to turn. You really never know what you have till you get in there.

Steve Schlumpf
03-28-2011, 9:20 PM
Very nice work Hayes! Great form! Really like how you orientated the wood and left some of the natural edge! Beautiful color throughout the piece! Don't do anything else to it - it is finished!

Thanks for sharing! Looking forward to seeing more of your work!

David E Keller
03-28-2011, 9:21 PM
That's a great looking piece! It's got everything I love... Burl, curl, color, bark, voids, and a natural edge. Great work!

Bob Bergstrom
03-28-2011, 9:30 PM
As has been said, leave it be. It looks like it would break just squeezing it. Beautiful wood and great job getting it off the lathe.

Dan Forman
03-29-2011, 12:25 AM
I remember that one, brilliant flame and tons of character. One wants to keep the fingers clear of the opening when turning. :eek:


steven carter
03-29-2011, 9:37 AM
It is beautiful just the way it is, it isn't broken, so don't fix it. Just my .02

Larry Pickering
03-29-2011, 9:41 AM
This one says WOW!


Jim Burr
03-29-2011, 10:22 AM
Really cool work Hayes! Orientation with the NE and red streak is perfect and I really like the size...7 1/2" you can really get your hands around. Don't change a thing!

Terry Murphy
03-29-2011, 10:32 AM
I love it!
Thanks for sharing.

John Keeton
03-29-2011, 11:03 AM
Great piece!! I would shy away from the buffing wheels, but you could always do a little hand buffing with a very fine buffing material, and finish off with brown paper if you want to soften the touch of the piece.

Hayes Rutherford
03-29-2011, 11:38 AM
Thanks for the great comments. I was leaning towards staying away from the buffer and will just move on. I'm off to deal with some of the lesser aspects of wood turning (my wood pile). Still have quite a bit of snow at my shop but things are finally starting to reappear.