View Full Version : One of those daze

Jim Heikes
03-28-2011, 6:18 AM
I just have to "vent." Yesterday my favorite 1 1/4" broke while I was roughing a 14" bowl.. Then for some unexplained reason the tension on my 20" band saw loosened while I was cutting a bowl blank and I destroyed my 3/8" Timberwolf blade. Then the handle on my 1/4" parting tool cracked. But other than that it was a great Sunday. Oh by the way I still was able to rough out 6 bowls and 3 trays...........wooooo hoooooo:mad::confused::o:):D:D:D

Jeff Nicol
03-28-2011, 6:46 AM
Jim, Like they always say "If life gives you lemons, make lemonade!" I had a whole weekend of trials and tribulations, but won't go into it, but I spent the whole weekend with my dear bride at the hospital, but we are home now. Some good things come from the bad, it is the natural progression of life.

Keep on a spinning wood and now you get to buy new tools and that is always a good mood changer, to a positve!

Have a great day my friend,


Bob Hamilton
03-28-2011, 9:31 PM
Would that be an 1 1/4" spindle roughing gouge?



Steve Schlumpf
03-28-2011, 9:34 PM
Would that be an 1 1/4" spindle roughing gouge?

I was wondering the same thing.... Glad you were not injured!

Dick Wilson
03-28-2011, 9:37 PM
Jim, Wait until you have an entire WEEK like that. I can tell you all about venting. My dog stayed under the bed most of the time:mad::mad::mad::(:(:(:):):):D:D:D

Jim Heikes
03-29-2011, 2:27 AM
Yup....it was a Sorby 1-1/4'' Roughing Gouge for spindle work.

Dick.......you are a funny man.............thanks for the laugh

Joe Herrmann
03-29-2011, 11:19 AM
Be careful using a spindle roughing gouge on bowl blanks-it's not made for that and you could get hurt,

Jim Heikes
03-29-2011, 11:27 AM
I guess I was unclear in my statement. I was taking the outside bark off a piece of mesquite in preparation for making a bowl. I certainly was not roughing out the interior of the bowl with a spindle gouge. Mea Culpa

Dan Hintz
03-29-2011, 12:05 PM
I was taking the outside bark off a piece of mesquite in preparation for making a bowl.
I just use a big honkin' Craftsman screwdriver for that...


Joel Albert
03-29-2011, 3:58 PM

Not sure its safe to use a SRG on the outside of a bowl (or any face-grained application) either. It simply isn't made for the stresses this places on the tool. a bowl gouge is a much safer and more effective tool.
