View Full Version : Cheap lumber rack

Jerome Hanby
03-24-2011, 11:32 AM
I built the lumber rack detailed in this link to a Shop Notes Special for 10 projects form 10 sheets of plywood (http://www.shopnotesspecials.com/smallshop/plans/pdf/10-plywood-projects.pdf)

I used one sheet of birch plywood (really too pretty for this project, but it was on sale and I'm so sick of the crappy borg stuff). Due to some sillyness on my part, I had to cut away the bottom shelf and re-cut the notch for the cleat to make it fit the space in my shop. I've got it loaded down and it's working great so far. Super cheap and easy, especially if your shop walls have exposed 2x4s.

Dave Gaul
03-24-2011, 12:17 PM
That all sounds good Jerome, but where are the pics man?!

Jerome Hanby
03-24-2011, 1:09 PM
I new that was going to happen :D. I should have snapped some pics before I wheeled the carts and Shopsmith back in. I'll take a few pictures and you can all feel better about how clean your shops are by comparison.

Jerome Hanby
03-24-2011, 4:11 PM
Okay here are some pictures.

First picture, you can see the loaded rack on the wall. You can also see my Shopsmith bandsaw in the foreground and my partially disassembled Unisaw pouting because I haven't been working on its restoration lately.


Next two pictures you can see one of the pieces I had to cut off to make the rack fit my space. They show one of the cutouts that sit on the cleats and the way the uprights and arms are sandwiched together. I guess you can also see the rock maple dresser that my wife is refinishing and the leak marks from something I set down on it that will probably earn me a beating :eek:



So far I'm pleased with the rack. I kept expecting to hear it complain as I loaded it up but it has been solid as a rock. About $50 worth of material, over 40 of that the single sheet of plywood, the rest wood screws and lag bolts. Out of the full sheet, I've got one full length piece about 4 inches wide, several 1" x 7" pieces, several small wedge shaped bits and a 4" x 10" rectangle. All those numbers are swags, but pretty close. Pretty efficient use on a single sheet of plywood.

kevin loftus
03-27-2011, 1:17 PM
Nice rack Jerome :D, I like the mini scaffold idea from the
Shop Notes plans too.:cool::cool:

Jerome Hanby
03-27-2011, 7:55 PM
My wife usually gets that compliment...

Nice rack Jerome :D, I like the mini scaffold idea from the
Shop Notes plans too.:cool::cool: