View Full Version : Intro and thanks

Hayes Rutherford
03-24-2011, 2:08 AM
First off I would like to say how much I appreciate this forum as the best source for all things in woodturning. From artistic turning, to equipment, to good people, this is the place!

I have been a self employed woodworker/carpenter/string instrument repairman since 1978 and even though I had a couple of different lathes, my projects were few and far between. I borrowed some woodturning videos from a friend mainly because I had no TV reception, and was exposed to HSS tools and chucks. I had one of the early blue in color Jet mini lathes that I was using to turn tool handles and soundposts for upright bases and equipped it with a chuck and better gouges. It didn't take long to want a bigger lathe. First a step pulley Rockwell then a Powermatic.

Never in all my past woodworking was the satisfaction of utilizing green, fresh wood like you often can in woodturning. This is some good fun!!

Many thanks to my new friend Dan who took a recent trip up to my shop. We had a great time working up some wood, turning, and Dan also took photos (something else to learn about) of some recent projects and has started to send some to me by email. This first form is about 6 inches tall of carob wood. The finish so far is three coats of Fornby's tung oil finish. Any comments would be appreciated. Please be gentle if you comment on the back drop.....I simply pulled the paper towels down from the over the counter towel bar


Dan Forman
03-24-2011, 3:29 AM
Now that piece looks familiar! I see you figured out how to post pics, this is good. I've been cutting up that maple today, getting the boxelder sealed, and a little yardwork. I am sending the rest of the pics tonight. And Hayes is much too modest, he didn't mention spraying the paper towel with gray rattle can primer to provide a graded background, which worked quite well by the way. I didn't notice another hollow form on the window sill casting that shadow on the right either (photos were taken by natural light from a window). My bad. See you at the meeting.

Oh and here is some of the burly boxelder that Hayes kindly sent me home with.


Baxter Smith
03-24-2011, 5:20 AM
Welcome Hayes! Great intro and great turning!

Dan Hintz
03-24-2011, 6:27 AM
Haha... I think the backdrop worked out quite well, actually :D

Donny Lawson
03-24-2011, 6:32 AM
Welcome Hayes, That is a very nice vase/HF. Is that Cherry? I think you will find it all here.,and everyone is very nice and will help you out whenever you need it.

John Keeton
03-24-2011, 7:13 AM
Welcome to the creek, Hayes!! We got a pretty good "pre-introduction" from Dan, and some nice pics of your shop and wood haulin' trailer! Very nice work on the vase, and I really like the void, and the rim treatment. I am sure you will be favoring us with more of your fine work, and I look forward to it.

Roger Chandler
03-24-2011, 7:26 AM
Welcome to the Creek! Nice project there. Looking forward to your next ones that come along! Nice haul of wood that Dan showed to us before......looks like you won't be lacking for something to make the shavings fly!

philip labre
03-24-2011, 7:42 AM
Welcome and a great piece! I had never seen Carob before, beautiful wood. Thanks for sharing.

Tim Thiebaut
03-24-2011, 7:49 AM
Welcome, I think you will enjoy here a great deal.

Eugene Wigley
03-24-2011, 8:15 AM
Hayes, nice vase. Welcome to the creek. This is the best place for all things woodturning. The people here are great.

Ken Fitzgerald
03-24-2011, 8:16 AM
Welcome to the Creek Hayes! Always nice to see another Idahoan post! Very nice vase/HF and I think your backdrop worked just fine.


David E Keller
03-24-2011, 8:51 AM
Welcome, Hayes! The vase is beautiful, so I'll be looking forward to seeing more of your work. Thanks for sharing.

bob svoboda
03-24-2011, 8:57 AM
Welcome to the Creek. Really nice piece-thanks for sharing.

Richard Madden
03-24-2011, 8:57 AM
Welcome to the Creek, Hayes. That's a really nice HF you have there. No criticism from me...only compliments. And the backdrop, I like that too!!

Jim Burr
03-24-2011, 9:15 AM
Hi there Hayes! Keep those pic's coming...looks great from here!

Hayes Rutherford
03-24-2011, 10:21 AM
Thanks for the warm welcome and nice comments. An upcoming challenge for me will be the photo process. Since Dan's visit I have already located a tripod and will give a try with my basic (Fuji Funpix?) camera. It has been OK for some ebay pics but not very versatile. From reading old posts I know you guys like pictures (I sure do) and if there are no pictures, it didn't happen!

Steve Schlumpf
03-24-2011, 10:26 AM
Hayes - Welcome to the Creek! I enjoyed reading Dan's thread on your Creeker visit and look forward to seeing more of your work!

Beautiful vase! Very nice form and the wood is amazing!

Bernie Weishapl
03-24-2011, 10:53 AM
Welcome to Creek. That is a nice looking HF. Keep the pictures coming. Look forward to more of your turnings.

Darren Jamieson
03-24-2011, 1:27 PM
Welcome aboard Hayes, as a new member myself I deffinatly agree with what you say about this being the spot to be. The last forum that I was at (I already am forgetting it's name) I just didn't get enough feed back on the peices that I would post. Here everyone seems to have something to say and all of it is constructive and helps me improve. Great looking vase and an even better looking shop built around that beautiful yellow machine of yours. With all that wood I hope to see lots of posts all summer long.

Tim Rinehart
03-24-2011, 1:56 PM
Welcome Hayes. As said, this is the spot where you will find the most depth of folks on a regular basis. The moderators do a great job of keeping things focussed and have enough depth in the topic to be of assistance where others may not.
Really enjoy that vase, you did a great job from what I can see. I like the collar on it...little things like that go a long way.
Don't fret the photo part...you're quite inventive using the paper towel roll...and here I wasted considerable time and $$ to order a varitone sheet...shhheeeesshhh! Haha, no worries, and post away, 'cuz as they say..."..if you don't post the photos...it didn't really happen!" Welcome again.

David DeCristoforo
03-24-2011, 4:31 PM
Welcome to SMC, Hayes. That's a fine looking piece of work. Keller is going to want some of that wood...

Brian Effinger
03-24-2011, 6:02 PM
Welcome Hayes. :) Beautiful vase, and I am looking forward to seeing more from you.

David E Keller
03-24-2011, 8:34 PM
Welcome to SMC, Hayes. That's a fine looking piece of work. Keller is going to want some of that wood...

Who wouldn't want some of that stuff? I know I do! It's gorgeous stuff, and it's got extra holes!:D:D

Allan Ferguson
03-24-2011, 8:47 PM
Looking good and welcome.