View Full Version : Honeysuckle

Les Elm
03-24-2011, 1:06 AM
Turned Lidded Box using 3/4" Spindle Gouge, 1/16" Parting Tool and 1/2" Round Nose Scraper.
Measures 4-1/4" Tall x 2-7/8" OD x 2-3/16" ID.
Finished with 6 coats of Minwax Satin WOP.






Lupe Duncan
03-24-2011, 1:20 AM
Nice Job Les, looks pretty nice.

Nice touch with the satin WOP.

Keith Christopher
03-24-2011, 1:56 AM
did it smell good ?

Baxter Smith
03-24-2011, 5:27 AM
Very pretty box. If that is honeysuckle the vine, it sure was a big one.

Roger Chandler
03-24-2011, 7:16 AM
Very nice boX! I have never seen honeysuckle that big! Is there some tree that is called honeysuckle in some parts of the country? That is a new one on me, but I may not be aware........not disputing your word, just wondering if this is really honeysuckle.

John Keeton
03-24-2011, 7:19 AM
I suspect this is the invasive Japanese Honeysuckle bush that has taken over large parts of the country side. I have wondered what it would look like turned. Occasionally, I will pull some of it with the tractor (about the only way to kill it!) and the stump looks interesting. Might try one now!

Good work, Les, and nice pics - as usual!

Jim Burr
03-24-2011, 9:22 AM
Hmmmm...your shop floor is still clean...
I love the grain in the box Les, has the illusion of a bulge at the lid joint. Nice finish too!

Steve Schlumpf
03-24-2011, 9:49 AM
Nice work Les! Pretty wood and I find it interesting that you turned it endgrain ... and no cracks in the pith!

Les Elm
03-24-2011, 11:33 AM
Very nice boX! I have never seen honeysuckle that big! Is there some tree that is called honeysuckle in some parts of the country? That is a new one on me, but I may not be aware........not disputing your word, just wondering if this is really honeysuckle.

Thanks Roger,

Japanese Honeysuckle can be occasionally found up here growing in with large Caragana.
For some reason the vines can get quite large when found growing with Caragana?


Dan Forman
03-24-2011, 2:11 PM
That's a good looking box, love the end grain on the top, Like Steve, wondered why it didn't crack around the pith.


Pete Jordan
03-24-2011, 3:14 PM
Nice Job Les!

Was that green wood?

Kelvin Burton
03-25-2011, 12:06 AM
I like the look of this, very nice wood and a well executed box. Haven't tried a lidded box yet but have signed up for a Jimmy Clewes class in June that is focusing on these, looking forward to it!

Les Elm
03-25-2011, 12:25 AM
Nice Job Les!

Was that green wood?

Thanks Pete,

The log was completely dry.


Brian Effinger
03-25-2011, 8:12 AM
That's an attractive box, Les. I like the end grain too.