View Full Version : Problems with drive center sticking?

Ron Stadler
03-23-2011, 10:44 PM
Iv'e really been having problems with the drive center sticking, sometimes I crank down pretty good on the tail stock to get good bite from the drive center but found that the drive center was hard to get out. So lately Iv'e been driving my drive center in with a mallet before placing it on the lathe but still use the tail stock a little bit, not much. This was working fine for awhile, then the other day it got so stuck it took every thing I had to drive it out of there.:eek::mad:

I don't have a brass or aluminum rod to stick the head spindle but use rather a synthetic rod or wood, anyway time a finally got it out there was a scar in the side of the mt on the drive center which kinda upsets me.:mad: I haven't looked inside my headstock spindle yet to see if there is a corresponding gash in it or not, but if there is then what can I do about it and how can I keep these things from jamming.:confused:

The drive center I have seems awfully cheap, I think I bought it from packard, the point on it is already worn off and the blades are even wore and look chipped, I just bought the center in December so does this seem nomal.

I never had this problem with my smaller lathe, which is a rigid mt 1. This lathe is a Vega mt 2.

Roger Chandler
03-23-2011, 10:50 PM

First, I would get me a morse taper reamer from Enco, and make sure all burrs were removed from my spindle. Then I would make sure that any scarring on the drive center was removed with some fine grit emory cloth. If that does not take care of your issue, replace the drive center. You should never have to drive your center in the spindle with a mallet..........you are asking for all kinds of problems, including sticking and probable bearing damage.

Tail stock pressure should be enough, but if you have a lot of dust build up, and crud inside the spindle then you need to clean it, and make sure you do not put anything like WD-40 or any oil in it..............you need a clean and dry morse taper inside the spindle and on the mating drive that goes in it.

Dan Forman
03-23-2011, 11:48 PM
Second the motion for a taper reamer, and don't bother trying to fix the drive center, just get a new, better one.


Dennis Ford
03-24-2011, 8:11 AM
Dan has the right idea, clean up the spindle and toss that drive center. A good one will be harder and less likely to repeat the problem.

Peter Fabricius
03-24-2011, 9:59 AM
Interesting to read that you do not have a STEEL knock out rod. A wood or synthetic rod will not give you the tap strength that you need to remove MT drivers. I am not talking about a lot of force but when you slide a 1/2" x 14" steel rod through the headstock and let it knock against the Drive Centre or any other MT appliance then that should be enough to drive the MT appliance out.
Hope that helps. Keeping the MT hole and the MT appliances clean should be like a reflex, wipe them with your fingers every time you insert one.
Peter F.

Steve Schlumpf
03-24-2011, 10:02 AM
I agree with getting the taper cleaned up and picking up a new center. Also, continue using a mallet to seat the center before mounting on the lathe. That way the depression is already in the wood and you don't have to crank down super hard on the tailstock to seat the center.

Brian Libby
03-24-2011, 2:35 PM
A steel knockout rod with some heaft is needed. Light weight synthetic rod or wood is not enough. Throw away old drive center and get new.

Ron Stadler
03-25-2011, 5:08 PM
Can I use a steel rod or does it have to be brass, I thought a steel one might damage the center or worse yet the inside of the head stock spindle?