View Full Version : the next box

Joe Bradshaw
03-23-2011, 4:11 PM
187925This box is Kauri wood. It is 2 3/8" h x 2 7/8" w

Tim Thiebaut
03-23-2011, 6:59 PM
That is a very nice looking box Joe, some of my very first projects were lidded boxes like this but havnt done one in a while now. You did a very nice job on this.

Darren Jamieson
03-23-2011, 8:26 PM
Hard to tell in the picture but it looks like a nice little box. I like that type of a lid, with the big tennon like that it makes it look like it fits together real well.

Ron Stadler
03-23-2011, 9:13 PM
Cute little box there, nicely done.