View Full Version : wanted IRONWOOD

brian watts
03-22-2011, 2:12 AM
were is a good place to get some Desert Ironwood 1.5 x1.5 x8" . . hope someone can point in the right place. thanks brian

Bill Bulloch
03-22-2011, 7:57 AM
Try these folks. http://www.arizonaironwood.com/ Their website says that they will custom cut for you.

Scott Lux
03-22-2011, 10:03 AM
Is there another name for the tree your looking for? There are at least three trees that are called ironwood in the midwest alone. I'm sure there are many others around the country. Some that spring to mind are: Eastern Hophornbeam, (Ostrya virginiana), Osage Orange (Maclura pomifera), and Desert Ironwood (Olneya tesota). I'm sure there are many others locally called ironwood.

Quinn McCarthy
03-22-2011, 11:01 AM
Did you check EBay? I have seen IW out there from a guy from WI.

The eastern hophornbeam is a very dense wood and maybe a challenge to cut. Most people don't even want it for firewood because it gets the stove cherry hot. In the upper lake states there is quite an abundance in sugar maple stands that were grazed by cattle. They won't eat it.


Jim Underwood
03-22-2011, 11:10 AM
Interesting list of so-called IronWood species on Wikipedia:


I guess you could say it depends on the region...

But, in my humble option, when one asks for Ironwood in N. America, I would tend to think one wants Desert Ironwood.

Tim Rinehart
03-22-2011, 2:46 PM
Another source for potential ironwood, depending on size blank you want, is a site called woodturningz. I came across them doing searches on ironwood when I was trying to figure out what type wood I had acquired from someone who didn't know the wood. It was heavier than water (specific gravity >1) but looked like olivewood, which has a specific gravity less than 1. From process of elimination, it seems to be African Olivewood, a beautiful wood and every bit as hard and dense as desert ironwood or blackwood.

What are you wanting to make with the ironwood, if you can?

brian watts
03-23-2011, 1:50 AM
thanks everybody .

yes TIM . i make turkey calls and wanted some Desert Ironwood for some turkey trumpets call..