View Full Version : Pure Rosewood

David DeCristoforo
03-21-2011, 9:03 PM
A while back, through the thoughtfulness of John Keeton, I was able to acquire some beautiful rosewood burls. I was so excited about this wood that I jumped right into it as soon as it arrived. My first effort was, at best, cumbersome and not at all suited to the wood. So I put it aside for a bit. Part of the problem was that I was not prepared for just how hard and brittle this wood is. It's bone dry and hard! Very sharp tools and a lot of patience are required to cut it cleanly. Sharp tools I had but I was a bit short on patience since I was rapidly coming up on our moving date.

This time around, I was going for a more "refined" shape that I have had in mind for some time now. I have put off attempting it simply because I did not feel that my skills were up to the task. I was going to do a natural edge but this form seemed to beg for a hard line at the edge. I left some of the sap wood at the rim to "imply" a natural edge. The base and stem are also rosewood but the wood was so different in color that it competed with the cup. So out came the black dye!

There is no finish to speak of. The wood is sanded down to 1200 grit, waxed and polished.



Nate Davey
03-21-2011, 9:06 PM
Holy Monkeys. That is the most beautiful piece of wood I believe I've seen. The form displays it beautifully and love the sapwood. Yet another wonderful job.

Cathy Schaewe
03-21-2011, 9:07 PM
Wow. I have some of that same rosewood, acquired through the good graces of Mr. Keeton, and I've been trying to figure out what to do with it. Now I know I need to wait about 5 years and develop some more talent. You did a phenomenal job -

would you post the dimensions of the piece, both the flower and the stem separately?

Allan Ferguson
03-21-2011, 9:11 PM
That is really something else!

David E Keller
03-21-2011, 9:22 PM
Wow! That's beautiful, and 'refined' is a perfect description. Elegant and sexy would also apply. Very, very nice.

Michael James
03-21-2011, 9:39 PM
I love rosewood, but had never seen a burl before one was posted here. Very nice job on that, as usual, and the pedestal really adds to the elegance of the piece. That one should fetch a pretty penny at the gallery!

Curt Fuller
03-21-2011, 9:56 PM
This one is really nice! I like the form you chose for the top and it looks great on your signature stem. I think you really make a good decision on the hard edge of the burl. I looks beautiful with the sapwood. Another incredible turning David.

Baxter Smith
03-21-2011, 10:00 PM
Beautiful piece of wood and a great turning. Very elegant style on the cup!

Roger Chandler
03-21-2011, 10:02 PM
Wow.........what figure in that rosewood! Very elegant piece David..........that one ought to go to your new gallery for sure......it most likely will not be on the shelf for long! The stem is graceful and has a delicate presence almost announcing "be careful with me." Distinctly DeCristoforo!

Do you have a title for this piece yet?

Mark Hubl
03-21-2011, 10:03 PM
Very nice David. This is certainly one of my favorites of yours, so far. The temptation to do a natural edge must have been strong, but this is so much more elegant. The wood is beautiful and the "implied edge" works very well. The stem is definetly a "DD" style. I think the black suits it. I like the form, you did a really nice job. If the rim and base were more equal you would have wound up with a spittoon on a stick, you certainly did not. Nice work as always.

Bernie Weishapl
03-21-2011, 10:08 PM
Beautiful piece David. Really nice Rosewood.

gary Zimmel
03-21-2011, 10:15 PM
That is one real sweet piece David.

Eugene Wigley
03-21-2011, 10:26 PM
David, this is very unique. The figure in the wood is nice, however I think the decision to leave sap wood on a refined edge and dye the base and stem black really make this turning stand out.

Jeff Myroup
03-21-2011, 10:45 PM
Really nice. Good call on the stem and the sap wood.

Kathy Marshall
03-21-2011, 11:14 PM
Absolutely Beautiful!

Doug W Swanson
03-21-2011, 11:32 PM
Stunning! Not much more can be said!

Tim Thiebaut
03-22-2011, 12:27 AM
Beautiful piece, not much more can be said then what has already been said above here.

Steve Schlumpf
03-22-2011, 12:31 AM
Really liking the style you have developed with these elegant goblets! Very classy! The sapwood edging the rim on this one works beautifully!

Keep up the good work! Looking forward to seeing your next turning!

Jon Nuckles
03-22-2011, 12:42 AM
That is way cool!

Lupe Duncan
03-22-2011, 2:32 AM
Pretty awesome David.

I love a nice HRB.....

Michelle Rich
03-22-2011, 5:12 AM
elegant, lovely, beautiful wood, great skill by the turner...what else could we heathens want? Grand

John Keeton
03-22-2011, 5:38 AM
David, your form on this one is so unique. Great job carrying into the rim, a mirror, or negative return of the curve of the "bowl" portion - perfectly done! I love turning the rosewood burl, though I have not got into mine yet. I ended up with a small box of cutoffs from that same source, and have used some of that for a couple of collars, etc. But, you have done something very special with this piece - one of your better ones!

Faust M. Ruggiero
03-22-2011, 6:26 AM
As always, "Ditto".

Keith E Byrd
03-22-2011, 7:19 AM
Fantastic job - I really like this one! The rosewood is really nice.

Brian Effinger
03-22-2011, 10:28 AM
Wow, that is awesome, Double D. :) I love the bowl form because it is so unique with the over-sized rim. If it hasn't gone to the gallery, I'd like to see a close-up of the bowl to see the figure better. Also, I always like your pedestals, which are very elegant. Good job.

David DeCristoforo
03-22-2011, 11:21 AM
"Would you post the dimensions..."

The "cup/bowl" is 4.25" in diameter X 2.75 high. Stem/base is 9" for ann 11.75" total height.

"…spittoon on a stick…"

http://www.daviddecristoforo.com/Misc/rofl.gif That was exactly my thought! In fact that was going to be the post title. But I decided it was just too "undignified"

"Do you have a title for this piece yet?"

Actually, I have never "titled" any of my pieces. The "names" came from the post titles.

"I'd like to see a close-up of the bowl..."


Dan Forman
03-22-2011, 1:38 PM
Another beauty---the sapwood rim works very well. Your stems are so delicate they make me nervous - that the whole thing is going to bend over like a wilted flower. Better keep them well watered. :)


Darren Jamieson
03-22-2011, 1:44 PM
I must say I agree, another fantastic job!!