View Full Version : One of those days

Donny Lawson
03-21-2011, 8:52 PM
:mad: Well, I think it has been one of those 2 days really. Yesterday I was cutting up some Box Elder and the chainsaw decided to quit working in the middle of cutting. I worked on it the rest of the evening and got mad (said a few words) and went in for the night. This evening I decided to finish up what the chainsaw did not do with my bandsaw and I did not hardly get started and the only blade I had decided to break. I decided to call it a night before something else happens. I had high hopes of getting something done in the shop since it was in the lower 70's and sunny but it did not work out. I've got a bowl I need to finish but I wasn't going to try my luck. Anyone else have those kind of days??

Cathy Schaewe
03-21-2011, 8:55 PM
You're telling me. Yesterday. Tried to rough out a large (13 x 6) maple piece - yanked it right out of the chuck 3 times, returned the tenon, did it twice more, and finally got it done. Then I was working on a vase, found some sanding marks, tried to fix them, ruined the dye job, tried to fix that ... had to sand the whole piece down. Then I broke the bandsaw blade. I should have gone upstairs much earlier, but turning time is so limited!
You have my sincere sympathy!

David E Keller
03-21-2011, 9:29 PM
I like to have one of those days every now and then just to make sure I appreciate the days where things mostly go right.

Michael James
03-21-2011, 9:36 PM
Goes with the territory, at least for me. I'm getting better at walking away when adjusting my attitude does not "fix" everything. In anger mgmt, we call that a "time out" (yep... parents know that term too!)
When it's smooth sailing, I forget all about the jinxed days! :cool:

Don Alexander
03-21-2011, 10:52 PM
it must be the phase of the moon or something :D:D

Dick Wilson
03-21-2011, 10:59 PM
Anyone else have those kind of days?? Which day of the week do you want me to talk about:confused::confused::confused:

Larry Dubia
03-21-2011, 11:07 PM
Yep. Been there, done that, got the bandaid. Just before I got my new bandsaw (a Jet 16) I was working with my Delta 16" trying to cut some light wood. The wood was only 2" thick and dry. As I got about halfway in the blade broke. Fortunately, I had purchased a new blade. So I wrestled out the old blade from the wood. It got stuck in there pretty good. I got the new blade installed, lined up right, tensioned right, tested it and put my wood back on. The second blade broke right off and stuck again. (yeah, choice words were shared personally with that machine.) Wrestled out the blade again and decided to use the chop saw on it. It was only 2" thick so although a little wide it was doable. I went to work. As soon as it bit into the wood it kicked violently and slammed it into my face. Fortunately, I was wearing the proper accouterments so I was saved. Naturally I gave up for the day in the shop. AND it was only 10:20 AM!

Jeff Fagen
03-21-2011, 11:14 PM
Tonight,cracked fruitwood,broken bandsaw blade=normal!

Tim Thiebaut
03-22-2011, 12:33 AM
I will jump on the bandwagon myself here, I have had one of those weeks...to top it off a few minutes ago I was working on a white birch HF and had a major catch, it blew the tenon off the bottom when it ripped clean off the chuck and came flying at me...thank god for faceshields, after which it hit the concrete floor. I think I am going to put the HF's I am working on away until I can get a proper hollowing tool in to work with, I was working under the rim with a bowl gouge when it caught. Sorry you have had a bad day as well, I guess it happens to all of us.