View Full Version : Resawing on the Delta/Milwaukee 20"BS

Carroll Courtney
03-20-2011, 7:07 PM
But no cigar:eek:This is the first time to use this saw since I purchase it about 2yrs ago and going through restoring it.I have resaw 6" tall stock on the PM141 w/success, but going up to 9" was a challenge for me trying to achieve accuracy.The D/M saw has all kinds of fine tune adjustments that a person could ask for from the upper and lower wheels(not talking about the tilt knob)and both guides and the post itself.Having all these as good as I think that I can get I went after it.Resawing maple,9" tall into 1/8thick stock leaving alittle to sand down to alittle over 1/16.Resawing a person has to be on their "A game" cause alittle wondering of the mind will cause problems and me being alittle on the ADD side I now have some wood for the pit.Over all, the the length was a good quality cut and consistent on each piece but the up/down portion was off. My fence was alittle off from being square to the table,while the table was square to the blade.My fence was from an older delta unisaw which I convert it over to the BS.I just need to make a taller fence w/adjustments to get it square.Having the material alittle on the thick side gives me some room for error.Anyway I always share the success so I thought I would share when I'm not so successful so that we can all learn.Thanks for the space here----Carroll

Bruce Page
03-20-2011, 7:29 PM
Carroll, that's a beauty. I'd be proud to have that in my shop.

Chip Lindley
03-20-2011, 10:35 PM
...This is the first time to use this saw since I purchase it about 2yrs ago and going through restoring it.----Carroll

You gotta start somewhere Carroll! Each machine has it's own feel; it's own quirks; it's own personality. For your first resaw job on the Delta 20", all is well. Sounds like any blade drift has been adjusted out. Building a sturdy, tall extension for the Delta Micro-set fence will be a good investment.

I just love those big Delta 20"ers. That's my Quest Machine--when the price is right!