View Full Version : Cut my Ash trees, EAB infested....

Larry Edgerton
03-20-2011, 9:50 AM
Cut my ash trees, only had three but two were good size. Hauled then to my friends mill, sawed them into 4/4, stacked and stickered them for the kiln, will make flooring for our new house out of them. Got a little over 1000 ft, mostly from two trees.

IT sucks! I really like ash, it was my favorite domestic, and it is sad that it is gone. How many trees have we lost now? This is getting to be a bit scary.

I wish we could get a jack pine blight, the one tree I hate will probably be the last one standing.

JohnT Fitzgerald
03-20-2011, 10:46 AM
Yikes, that really sucks. I agree it's always the nicest trees that seem to go first. At least you got a good haul of lumber - 1000 bf is pretty good! and that will make a special part of your new house.

Dave MacArthur
03-20-2011, 1:38 PM
Does the emerald ash borer affect all species of ash? Down here in AZ probably the most common "big tree" is the Arizona Ash and the Shamel Ash.

At least you're getting some good wood out of it.

David G Baker
03-20-2011, 2:22 PM
Your wish for Jack Pine to get a killing disease may be coming true. In the past 10 years I have lost 15-20 Jack Pine to some sort of disease or critter and am still finding dying trees. Something is getting my Red Pine as well to the point I had all of them cut and removed. Don't know how many Ash have been lost to the EAB but according to articles I have read billions of dollars have been lost due to the bug in Michigan alone. I have lost most of my Elm trees as well to Dutch Elm Disease. Haven't lost any Oak trees yet but there is a bug or disease that is getting them as well in some areas of the state.

jared herbert
03-20-2011, 2:37 PM
EAB will kill every species of ash tree. I live in Iowa and a huge percentage of our windbreak trees are green ash. This part of the country will look nude when they are all gone. Hopefully it will be a while. I am planting native soft maples now hoping that they will fill in the gaps. Jared