View Full Version : One of Those Days

wes murphy
03-19-2011, 5:04 PM
Ever had one of those days, or several in a row, where you screw up more stuff than you successfully finish?

Roland Martin
03-19-2011, 5:22 PM
Ohhh Yeaaa, not imune here:), that's why they make tomorrows;) Those twelve steps sometime feel like 24:D On the bright side, when things get really low, it's likely that things will be going up soon, hang in there!

Johnny Taylor
03-19-2011, 5:24 PM
Oh yeah, I usually get a few messed up things in a row now and then. The thing is though,it makes the next day when things go right all the more sweeter!!

Dick Wilson
03-19-2011, 5:36 PM
Wes, If I had $10 for every time I turned off the lights and stormed upstairs in total out of control frustration I would have enough money for first class air fair and the weekend at the St Paul AAW Symposium:(:(:(. ( And it takes a lot to get me in a rage:)) There have been many time that my dog Scooter knew that it was time to hide under the bed:D

David DeCristoforo
03-19-2011, 5:53 PM
No... I never have days like that. Everything I attempt always comes off flawlessly. I never screw anything up and whatever I attempt goes smoothly.


Jim Burr
03-19-2011, 5:55 PM
That's why I have plenty of "junk" wood around! Then every once in a while...it all just works. One step at a time!!

John Keeton
03-19-2011, 5:57 PM
IF I ever had one of those days:rolleyes:, I would quit on the second screwup, turn off the lights, go to the house, pour a nice glass of wine (never did get into the beer thing - tried, couldn't do it), and plop down in front of the TV!! The first screwup I can always attribute to "just one of those things." The second one is an OMEN!!!!:eek:

Tim Thiebaut
03-19-2011, 6:11 PM
Yup...more then I care to talk about, I think everyone has days like that...walk away and come back to it later with a calmer frame of mind.

Bernie Weishapl
03-19-2011, 6:54 PM
Yep, been there done that.

Roger Chandler
03-19-2011, 6:58 PM
Sometimes you just have to stop and think things through.........when mess-ups happen there is usually some unwritten turning law violated, then you have one of those A-HA! moments and figure out what is the proper way to accomplish what you were trying to do in the first place.

Then there are those times when you get almost finished, and then you let the tool slip and get a catch that is bad enough to make you have to go back and start again :eek: now, that is when your frustration level might make you want to quit turning .......at least for a few minutes! ;)

Ron Stadler
03-19-2011, 8:23 PM
Yep, having one today. Was make a walking cane for girlfriends mother and I measure wrong so it was going to end up a little on the short side, stupid me, I could have avoided this but was trying to do everything as close as I could by eye first, well then I tried to fit the sleeve for the tip on the end of the shaft and it was a little to tight. Nothing that my Super Honey Locust Mallet couldn't handle right? Well after about 10 good wacks the handle split in to off the cane and flew off. Just Lovely, so now a glued that back on and still have a tip that don't fit and is probably stuck where its at and the darn cane will probably wind up to short.

Bob Bergstrom
03-19-2011, 8:32 PM
And the older I get the more I have!!

Reed Gray
03-20-2011, 1:56 AM
Some days, you can't even do wrong right. Author unknown.

robo hippy

Ian Jeffcock
03-20-2011, 2:40 AM
Me to,... but that,s what makes the good days great. Anyone other than me have to get up in the middle of the night and go to the shop because I just thought of how to fix or make something? ( yea I got it bad )