View Full Version : motor set up question

curtis rosche
03-18-2011, 10:58 PM
i found a motor to use for my new lathe, but im trying to figure out what switch i need so i can reverse the direction of the motor.

here is the motor

here are two of the switches i found

if these switches wont work, can someone point me in the right direction? and i noticed these switches would need a receptical for them, how do i find the right one?

Ron Stadler
03-19-2011, 1:15 AM
I think what your looking for is a type of drum switch, but I would have to do more research in order to find out which one.

Actually, I looked at that site and found this switch http://www.surpluscenter.com/item.asp?item=11-1580&catname=electric which might be what you need. I would call customer support and ask if this one works with that particular motor.

curtis rosche
03-19-2011, 1:35 AM
i looked at that switch but the description didnt seem right. its said it wasnt made for an on/off oppereation just for changing directions. also its $54 , i was hoping to find something cheaper.

David Reed
03-19-2011, 9:06 AM
Not knowing just how this motor is wired makes it difficult to be certain, but typically you would want a double pole, double throw switch to change direction and a second switch for power supply on and off. The drum switch appears to be a type of double pole double throw switch. You can accomplish the same with a less expensive toggle but this appears to be a very nice switch from the pics. Not sure why I cannot download details from the website. I could not download motor details either so cannot even confirm this motor is reversible with external wiring. You can use a light switch appropriately rated (15 or 20 amp) from Home Depot for the on and off with no problem. Single pole, single throw is fine here for 120 volt operation should be between the 120 volt power supply and the selector switch. This is a better way to wire this device and much safer than a single toggle (always energized) with the off position in the center.

Ron Stadler
03-19-2011, 11:45 AM
i looked at that switch but the description didnt seem right. its said it wasnt made for an on/off oppereation just for changing directions. also its $54 , i was hoping to find something cheaper.
I wish they showed more details on that site, but this is the same type of switch I have on mine(looks almost exactly like it). Mine has 3 positions, center position is off, flip one way for forward and the other for reverse. I would think this switch would have to have that option but I wouldn't buy it without the details. I can tell you that you don't want to get to cheap a switch with 1 1/2hp motor, it may run on 9 to 10 amps but start up current will be much higher.

Darren Jamieson
03-19-2011, 12:16 PM
I second the safty issue. You want a seperate on off switch so that if you have to shut the machine down in an emergency you don't accidently just throw it in reverse. Always think safty even if it means extra $$$$$$$$. Good Luck

curtis rosche
03-19-2011, 3:11 PM
is there another place to look for these switches that isnt super pricey?

Bruce Smith
03-19-2011, 9:30 PM
Drum switch is what you want, don't forget the switch has to switch a fair amount of current. Don't use one of those little dinky dpdt toggle switches as it will never last and it would have to be center off. The drum switch is center off, lever to the left for one direction and lever to the right for the other direction, this switch is used on many brands of machine lathes and there is usually a schematic inside on the cover. Good luck and have fun.

James Combs
03-19-2011, 11:06 PM
I second the safty issue. You want a seperate on off switch so that if you have to shut the machine down in an emergency you don't accidently just throw it in reverse. Always think safty even if it means extra $$$$$$$$. Good Luck

I third the safety issue and ditto what Darren says about a desperate switch. My Jet 1642 2HP uses two switches and the reversing switch is a simple toggle switch. You won't be toggling the reversing switch under load so a 20amp switch should last a long time. This switch would work fine as a separate reversing switch. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B001PNIKEY You will need more info on the motor to determine how to hook it up. Here is a post that might help. http://www.sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?73609-Motor-Wiring-Gurus-could-you-have-a-look

This might also help. http://www.ehow.com/how_4646590_make-electric-motor-run-backwards.html