View Full Version : Jet 17" Drill Press????

Curt Stivison
03-17-2011, 5:00 PM
:confused:I am going to buy a new drill press and would like to know if anyone has any pros or cons on Powermatic 2800 or 17" Jet.:confused:

Greg R Bradley
03-17-2011, 5:45 PM
There are plenty of previous posts on this including several from me about buying a PM2800 and returning it for a Delta 17-959L. There are also several different Jet 17" units. It would also help to know what you expect out of a drill press and your intended use. Do you need low speed? Are you going to be raising & lowering the table height regularly? Strictly woodworking? Are you going to add an accessory table.

Also, if you are picky about the drill press, I suggest you look at the unit you are buying at the tool dealer and take that one home after inspecting it to make sure it meets your requirements.

Doug Colombo
03-17-2011, 8:15 PM
I agree with Greg - buy it local and see it before you buy - this is the best way to make sure that the unit will fit your needs. I have a Jet 17' and have been very pleased with it. Here is the model that I have: http://www.woodcraft.com/Product/2063613/24402/Jet-17-Drill-Press-Model-JDP17DX.aspx. Not sure if this is the model that you were looking at or not, but I sure love mine - no regrets at all !

Joseph Tarantino
03-18-2011, 10:35 AM
there's another thread, on this forum, from owners of ridgid's drill press speaking quite highly of it.


and it's currently being clearanced for prices between $200 and $250. if there is something empirically better about the jet that provides $200 more value, then get the jet. based on my personal experience, ridgid's CS is better than jet's. just my $.02.