View Full Version : a different turning

Michelle Rich
03-17-2011, 9:21 AM
I've taken at least 30 pictures of this and have not been happy with any of them.:mad: 9 1/2 & 8 dyed black with silver pen accents in the slots. A little quieter than my last few negative space designs.

Nate Davey
03-17-2011, 9:23 AM
Another beautiful piece Michelle. My wife, being asian, loves it. One day I will have the skill to attempt something like your work.

David E Keller
03-17-2011, 10:15 AM
That's cool, Michelle. I love the design, and the black/silver coloring really works for me.

John Keeton
03-17-2011, 10:37 AM
Michelle, it may be a bit quieter, but no less well done!! I really like the monochrome theme of this one. Very easy on the eyes, and very balanced. I really like this one - quite a bit!

Michael James
03-17-2011, 10:42 AM
WOW....silver on black...totally santa fe! Very beautiful and elegantly understated. My favorite of the ones I've seen. Great job and thanks for posting!

Dan Cannon
03-17-2011, 10:55 AM
I think this is one of my favorites, the design and the color scheme are very much to my taste. Awesome stuff...

Cathy Schaewe
03-17-2011, 11:03 AM
I like it a lot, although I like the last couple more. Still, it's really expressive, different, and soothing to look at. Although I like the asymmetrical design of "I did it my way" tremendously, this is very peaceful.

Mark Hubl
03-17-2011, 11:04 AM
That really looks good Michelle. I like the design, and count me in on liking the silver on black color scheme. Good work.

Steve Schlumpf
03-17-2011, 11:16 AM
Really like this! Depending on viewing angle - the entire design changes! Looks like something you would expect to see in a very upscale gallery of modern art!

Great color combination and I really like hte sense of motion created by the center area. Very nice work! Thanks for sharing!

Michelle Rich
03-17-2011, 11:30 AM
to paraphrase Sally Field : I'm glad ya'll like it, that you really really like it....:-)

Curt Fuller
03-17-2011, 10:23 PM
Might be that I've had Japan on my mind so much for the last week, but my first impression was a Geisha fan. It's another great piece in a very imaginative series you've done.

Ron Stadler
03-17-2011, 10:30 PM
Not sure what it is but it looks kinda oriental in design, very neat though and well done. Is this something you hang on a wall? Also not quite sure what a silver pen is, is that kinda what Cindy Drozda uses in her signatures only gold, if so it is really nice.

Baxter Smith
03-17-2011, 10:33 PM
Very neat. It has a refined look to it!

Michelle Rich
03-18-2011, 7:11 AM
Thanks ladies & gents. Funny how our brains work. All I saw in my mind was the old t.v. program : The Cisco Kid He wore a black outfit with lots of silver! But Asian works for me too. Appreciate all of you taking the time to comment.

philip labre
03-18-2011, 8:44 AM
I love it, great piece. My decorating tastes tend to run towards modern/minimalist leaning towards the black and chromes which is in stark contrast to my wife's, so I keep quiet. People think asian because the shape reminds them of an open hand fan.

Bernie Weishapl
03-18-2011, 1:02 PM
Michelle that is a beautiful piece. I like the color combo of it.

John Beaver
03-18-2011, 8:42 PM
Michelle, Really nice work.

A little thought on the photography. I don't know what kind of lighting set-up you have (and it's more difficult because this piece looks like it needs to lean up against something - maybe you can suspend it with fishing line or something) but I would try to place a light coming from 3/4 behind the piece so it picks up the edges of the slats. Then counter that with a large soft light source coming from the opposite front side. If that's not feasible, try to light it from the side so the light rakes across it, then use a white card to reflect the light back onto the darker side.

If this doesn't make sense, pm me and I'll give you more detail.


Richard Madden
03-18-2011, 8:59 PM
Very nice!! You are quite the talented lady.