View Full Version : Hybrid Turning with meaning

Lee Koepke
03-16-2011, 9:32 PM
Quick back story .....

One of my real good friends had her father pass away several years ago, she contacted me about making something for her and her 3 sisters with the box that held his ashes. Well, that made me a bit nervous (I am still honing my skills ...). So, I made these clocks for them. (I did use the lathe to bore the inset for the clock, so it counts as 'turning'). With some of the 'scraps' I pieced together some bonus pens for them too. I mixed some walnut and cherry with the box material.

This meant alot to me, and I was honored to do this, Bob was a good man!

Thanks for looking!


Steve Vaughan
03-16-2011, 9:41 PM
That is very cool and honorable in any forum! Great job, wonderful project!

Mark Hubl
03-16-2011, 9:48 PM
That is very nice. It is a wonderful feeling to be called upon by our friends for something like this, I am sure it means a lot to them and to you.

Michael James
03-17-2011, 12:03 AM
Very nice keepers to pass on! Im in the process of putting together something for the military kids of mine and my sister's to honor their granfather who died in Army service and never got to meet them. I hope mine turn out as nice. Thanks for posting.

Steve Schlumpf
03-17-2011, 12:03 AM
Very nice work Lee! I am sure the family is well pleased with the results!

Tim Thiebaut
03-17-2011, 12:27 AM
You did a very good job on these, it will help them to keep their memorys close.

Dan Forman
03-17-2011, 3:30 AM
The clocks look very nice, and I'ms sure will be cherished. It is indeed an honor to work on such a project.


Donny Lawson
03-17-2011, 6:31 AM
I've always been fond of clocks and you did a great job on these. The owners should be proud.

John Keeton
03-17-2011, 6:53 AM
Lee, excellent hybrid work! Kind of neat to combine your skills into a composite project, and with such significant meaning.

bob svoboda
03-17-2011, 9:12 AM
Well done Lee. I'm sure your work is greatly appreciated by the family.

Lee Koepke
03-17-2011, 8:32 PM
Thanks everyone! I appreciated not only the opportunity to make it .. but being able to share it with others too!

Keith E Byrd
03-17-2011, 8:35 PM
that was an awesome project and I like what you did with it - great job!