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Charles McKinley
03-16-2011, 12:32 AM
You know the one tht speaks up right before you do something really stupid: Make just one cut without the splitter, drill the one hole without putting on the safety glasses, going on to the steep part of the roof when there is still snow on it.

It took me until I was 30 to really pay attention to the little voice and have done a pretty good job for the last 11 years; but, last Friday I decided I need to get to the downspout. had been to the other gutters no problem. Looked and said nope not today then looked again later tried it a little bit and thought I would be OK,

Well long story short I got REALLY lucky. I fell into the pine tree close to the house and it was only about 10 feet to the ground. No-one else here. I just lightly twisted my knee and jambed a shoulder.

Be Safe,

Charlie Reals
03-16-2011, 6:22 AM
The one I learned the hard way was the whisper that told me not to try it until someone was there to at least call 911. You got very lucky Chuck.
Next time remember your last word to us lol. Lord I know the feeling

Belinda Barfield
03-16-2011, 7:58 AM
Glad to know that you are relatively unharmed. Sounds like it was a close call, though. As Charlie said, heed your own advice next time.:)

Dave Anderson NH
03-16-2011, 10:17 AM
Amen to that Chuck. Not every time, but perhaps a 1/3 of the time, when I ignored the little voice something bit me with varying degrees of severity. I also tend to pay attention to the "not so little" voice of my wife who is quick to warn me I'm about to do something stupid. Maybe some day I'll learn, but probably not, after all I'm a guy.

Stephen Tashiro
03-16-2011, 11:09 AM
No-one else here.

Speaking of a little voice, did you have your cell phone with you?

Dan Hintz
03-16-2011, 11:45 AM
The warning by the "not so little voice" is usually followed by "Leave me alone, I know what I'm doing... <BAM>!" And then you have to deal with that "I told you so" stinkeye smirk while she drives you to the hospital.

Jim Underwood
03-16-2011, 1:07 PM
I just wish my "little voice" would speak up a little louder....

ray hampton
03-16-2011, 3:35 PM
i just wish my "little voice" would speak up a little louder....

don't we all,,,don't we all

Jim Koepke
03-16-2011, 10:59 PM
Listen to that LITTLE VOICE

I am glad to hear you are OK.

Many years ago my little voice gave me reason to get real mad at it.

It was in Reno, Nevada and I was having some fun doing a bit of gambling while waiting to go buy a bus ticket and take the ride back home. As long as you are gambling, or at least in those days, the drinks were on the house. That was why I would put a dollar down, play some black jack and have a drink.

I noticed I just had enough left for the bus ride, finished my drink and started walking toward the home of the dog. (for you young'uns, that is what some of us used to call the Greyhound Station.)

As I was walking, I heard a little voice say, "Jim." I looked around to see if someone I knew saw me. There was no one around me. Then I heard it again, only this time it said, "Jim, go back to Harrah's." This really kind of spooked me, but then it repeated and I turned around. As I walked in the little voice said, "go to the roulette table." So I did. A few minutes went by and the voice said, "place all your money on 23."

I did as told and the wheel was spun. The ball landed on 17, the little voice said, "damn."


Charles McKinley
03-17-2011, 1:18 AM
Thank you all for the kind words and some of the funny responses. Yes my Guardian Angel is getting a little banged up and abused buy now. I realized when I was in grad school that I had my share of close calls when I said to a girl, "You know one of those moments when your life flashes in front of your eyes...." and she replied "No. That's never happened to me.":o

Dave and Dan when did you meet my wife?

Stephen: Yep, my Dad had called me to ask about a router and some bits he found at a garage sale when I fell. I called him back to say I was OK. Welllll, he has my Mom call that night to make sure I was OK. I was at work and I hadn't told LOML what had happened as I was OK. Apparently that wasn't OK. :rolleyes:

Jim: My luck was never good enough to gamble. I never really understood it.

Bruce Page
03-17-2011, 1:38 AM
We've all, at least most of us, have been there. It's the really stupid one's that end up in the Darwin emails.
I'm glad that all you ended up with is a twisted knee.

Jim Koepke
03-17-2011, 4:33 PM
Jim: My luck was never good enough to gamble. I never really understood it.

Neither was mine, that is why now days a few bucks on the lottery is all that is ventured.

Gambling on being able to make something nice out of wood is enough risk for me.


Bill Cunningham
03-17-2011, 9:11 PM
Maybe the 'other' important thing about "No-one else here" is no witnesses! if you didn't say something here, no one would ever know! And you never have to worry about it showing up on AFV:D

I used to teach on a commercial diving course, and most kids getting into that profession are risk takers until they smarten up a bit. I would refer to the 'Blood intelligence Quotient" and the 'What If List'. The BIQ is calculated by adding your I.Q. to your heart rate. The higher the number, the less likely your going to do something that will make you bleed! The "What If List' is based in the belief that the older you get, the longer your 'what if' list becomes. Your list 'usually' gets longer, by watching people with a much shorter list! :p

Charlie Reals
03-17-2011, 9:27 PM
+10 pad the ballot for that one Bill. Good old OJT. My what if list got real long. Nothing like seeing someone hurt for real to wake you up.

I prefer someone around :D, too easy hurt, to heck with the embarrassment:)

Jerry Bruette
03-17-2011, 10:25 PM
Good to hear you weren't seriously hurt. Safety seminars at work taught us that the most serious falls are from 10 feet and less. Something to do with your body falling faster than your brain realizes what is happening.

Bill calls it the BIQ or the What if List. I call it the fear factor, the younger you are the less your're afraid of and the older you get the bigger the fear factor and the more you're afraid of doing or hurting.

My signature line is also proportional to the BIQ, What if List, and the Fear Factor.


Bill Edwards(2)
03-18-2011, 8:07 AM
After reading this thread, I'll quit worrying about "The voices". http://www.unclebill.us/bigs/ignore.gif

Greg Peterson
03-18-2011, 10:04 AM
I heard it plainly and simply. About a split second before the utility slipped and sliced my thumb last evening. While sitting in the lobby of the urgent care, awaiting my stitches, it kept saying "I told you so!".

Jim Becker
03-18-2011, 2:54 PM
Extraordinarily good advice, Chuck...thanks for the reminder.

Joe Chritz
03-18-2011, 10:25 PM
In my business we call that a sixth sense. It is real and it has kept a lot of people alive, myself included. It didn't take me long to learn to pay attention. Close calls are often good for you, they remind you for a long time to be careful. As they say a miss by an inch is as good as a mile.
