View Full Version : Buying "dried " blanks

Donny Lawson
03-15-2011, 8:12 PM
I was wondering some places to buy dried blanks for bowls and HF's. All mine are fresh cut so there is a waiting time on finishing. If common dried blanks were reasonably priced I might be interested from time to time.

John Keeton
03-15-2011, 8:37 PM
Donny, you may have seen me mention Mike Smith in previous posts. Most of the wood I use is dry, including a lot of Claro Walnut. Much of it has come from Mike, and a bunch of other creekers buy from him, as well. His website is http://www.easternncwoodworkers.com/ Best way to contact him is by phone. Mike carries only domestics, and most of it is wet, but he should have on hand several varieties of dry wood. Reasonable prices and nice fellow.

Another good source is fellow creeker, Jeff Nicol. Jeff has a bunch of wood, and a lot of it dry. Very reasonable on price, good wood, and heck of a nice guy, too! You might want to PM him, or PM me and I will give you his email address.

Bernie Weishapl
03-15-2011, 11:08 PM
+1 for Mike Smith. John and I fight over his Claro Walnut.:eek::D;) Seriously he has some fine wood both green and dry. I have been pleased with every piece. I do need to contact Jeff and see what he has.

Donny Lawson
03-16-2011, 6:30 AM
Thanks Guys, I will check him out.

Cathy Schaewe
03-16-2011, 10:04 AM
+1 for Mike Smith. John and I fight over his Claro Walnut.:eek::D;) Seriously he has some fine wood both green and dry. I have been pleased with every piece. I do need to contact Jeff and see what he has.

You guys fight over it, and I sneak in and get the big pieces! ;) (Just cored and roughed out a 16" piece from him.:D)

Donny, seriously, when I first started turning, I contacted Mike and told him I wanted dry wood, and that's what I got, for very reasonable prices.

John Keeton
03-16-2011, 10:10 AM
You guys fight over it, and I sneak in and get the big pieces!Typical diversion tactics!!! I would have expected better from you, Cathy!!:D:D;)

So, when do we get to see the results of this project?

Cathy Schaewe
03-16-2011, 10:44 AM
I would have expected better from you, Cathy!!:D:D;)


The big piece is drying - it was still a bit damp on the inside, and I'm going to core the smaller piece again. It'll be a while ....

mike holden
03-16-2011, 8:13 PM
Our club had a seminar with Lyle Jamieson today, and he advocates turning green wood to completion including finish. Claims that as long as the thickness is consistent throughout the piece there will be no problem with cracking. Yes, it will oval, but he says he likes that. YMMV.
(Yes, this is a stealth gloat - mh)

Donny Lawson
03-16-2011, 9:01 PM
I have often thought of turning a fresh piece to finished thickness but I hate to waste a nice straight bowl, so I end up just either waxing it at the roughed out size or giving it a DNA bath. The DNA speeds up the process alot.

Jim Burr
03-16-2011, 10:09 PM
Hey Donny, +1 on all the above. I also have a reliable list of guys on E bay.

Al Wasser
03-17-2011, 12:26 PM
Don't forget to check you local hardwood dealer. A 2" thick board of maple or walnut or ..... can make a nice small bowl or platter. From time to time you may find shorts on sale.