View Full Version : Grizzly rant

David Pearson
03-15-2011, 7:06 PM
I purchased a Grizzly G0715p table saw on February 19th. It arrived on February 28th. After setting it up and spending countless hours trying to get the blade alignment correct, I finally realized that the blade changes alignment as you raise and lower it. I contacted Grizzly about this on March 7th. I was told that someone would look into this and get back to me. On Thursday, after no contact from anyone at Grizzly, I called them. They said that my problem had gone to a manager and that a manager would call me tomorrow (which was a Friday). At about 4:30 on Friday, after no contact from anyone at Grizzly, I called them. They said that the manager was off and that someone would contact me on Monday. Again I received no calls from Grizzly, so I called again in the late afternoon (Monday). The help desk guy said that a manager had reviewed my problem and determined that there was nothing they could do and that I'd probably have to return the saw, but a manager would be calling. On Tuesday (today) I had a message from someone at Grizzly. She said that they will make a "one time exception to get this back for replacement". Really? You will replace your defective product once?? She said that I had to pack up everything back in the boxes and they would arrange for FedEx to come and pick it up. The night it came was garbage night, so I was happy to throw out all of those boxes... Since I didn't have any boxes, I called them back, at the number she left. I got that same helpless, front line help desk again. I told them that I didn't have the boxes and really didn't want to have to wait for two weeks for these machines to be shipped back and forth. I asked if I could just make the four hour trip to Muncy, PA and return the saw in person. They guy on the other end said "I can't make that decision"... I really didn't expect there would be a decision to be made there. I thought it was a yes or no thing. He said that the people who would make that decision leave at 5:00 and I was calling at 5:30 and I should call back tomorrow. I plan on calling tomorrow morning. Hopefully someone that can make a decision will be there.

Grizzly tools may be cheaper than your local dealer, but you sure get what you pay for.

Joe Pack
03-15-2011, 7:36 PM
David, this kind of stuff just ticks me off. I know it is not my business, but old farts like me have the time and inclination to play Don Quixote; tilting at windmills is fun, and somebody needs to do it!

For what good it will do, I just sent the following e-mail (every word true) to Grizzly customer service. Hope you forgive me for butting in, but I hope other Sawmill Creek members do the same thing!

Dear Grizzly,

I just now finished writing an extensive personal message to a woodworking forum friend recommending your 17" G0513 bandsaw. You cannot believe how pleased I have been with this saw and how many people I have recommended this saw to. One of my best woodworking friends locally bought this saw after seeing mine and is totally pleased.

I have had no problem recommending Grizzly products and service (I had a defective table on the G0513 which was replace immediately), but have just now read a horror story about Grizzly service that causes me concern. Quite honestly, had this happened to me, I would have told the story over and over and over again. As a Grizzly customer, I am bothered when I hear this kind of thing, particularly when the response, "we'll make a one time exception..." It makes me think, "This could just as easily be me. Maybe I should rethink buying from someone I can't talk with face to face."

I thought you should be aware of this "Grizzly Horror Story" that is making the rounds of literally thousands of potential customers. Perhaps you can address the situation as quickly and pleasantly as you did for me. You don't need this kind of advertisement, and the customer does not deserve to be ignored and given a run-around for buying a product he should be able to trust every time.


Larry Pack
New London, OH

Neil Brooks
03-15-2011, 7:37 PM
This isn't going anywhere good ... and I do NOT mean that with respect to anything YOU said.

The vast majority of their machines -- I'd bet -- arrive in good condition, and work as they're supposed to.

But ... theirs is a rather challenging model for that % of the time when things DO NOT work right.

It DOES put a BIG burden on the consumer.

And there may NOT be a way around that, if they want to keep their attractive and competitive price points.

I'm sorry you had such bad luck. I can feel -- and totally understand -- your frustration.

Good luck. My experience with Grizzly was that -- when the stuff DOES go wrong -- they DO do a good job of making it right.

My money is on them doing the same for you !

Bruce Page
03-15-2011, 7:44 PM
David, it sounds like Grizzly is making an attempt to correct the problem. I suggest that you give them a chance to do so.
In the meantime, I am going to close this thread.

Please read SMC's policy concerning rant threads:

Before You Rant Read This December 20th, 2010

"It is the intent of SMC to permit the airing of concerns regarding the suitability of a particular product, or the quality or sufficiency of customer service provided by a vendor in any particular instance provided there is not a breach of contract component involved.

However, these threads often deteriorate into a "piling on" and develop a very negative tone. That doesn't assist other viewers in assessing the overall advisability of whether to buy this particular product, nor to assess the overall customer service provided by that manufacturer/vendor.

In order to be fair to the many vendors that provide woodworking products, the following policies will be in force:
The original poster must have first contacted the manufacturer/vendor and have attempted a solution PRIOR to posting the thread.
The original poster should provide factual details of the problem, and details of efforts that have been made with the manufacturer/vendor to rectify the problem.
Subsequent posts must be limited to suggestions to the original poster to assist in rectifying the problem - not to pile on because you had similar problems.

SMC is a woodworking forum. The intended purpose is to provide a community in which useful information may be shared among the members. Threads that do not achieve that purpose will be locked, or removed if necessary." SawMill Creek is not a Court of Law and we are not in a position to judge a breach of contract case here, therefore SawMill Creek will not become a stage or a courtroom for a legal dispute between two or more parties, it just isn't our mission.