View Full Version : My Shop Gets Dirty Too!

Johnny England
03-13-2011, 8:54 PM
Not to out done in the dirty shop contest I would like to submit mine. Also is my version of the rocket launcher tool storage.



Thomas Canfield
03-13-2011, 9:14 PM
Not even close - no shavings hanging on the walls. I am not going to post a picture of mine in any case. Nice looking rocket launcher - handy.

Bob Borzelleri
03-13-2011, 9:22 PM

I think this competition needs a set or rules. As in, a lathe covered in shavings doesn't necessarily represent a dirty shop; a well used one perhaps, but not dirty.:cool:

On the other hand, are we talking about "dirt" or "mess"? How long do shavings have to lie on the shop floor before they morph from shavings to "dirt"?:eek:

How about tools that haven't been used for several sessions taking up space on the workbench? :o And then there are tool accessories that have been so far removed from their tool of origin for so long that no one knows what they go with.:(

Bernie Weishapl
03-13-2011, 10:34 PM
Now that looks like my lathe. It is going to get deeper tomorrow.

Dick Wilson
03-13-2011, 10:34 PM

I think this competition needs a set or rules. As in, a lathe covered in shavings doesn't necessarily represent a dirty shop; a well used one perhaps, but not dirty.:cool:

On the other hand, are we talking about "dirt" or "mess"? How long do shavings have to lie on the shop floor before they morph from shavings to "dirt"?:eek:

How about tools that haven't been used for several sessions taking up space on the workbench? :o And then there are tool accessories that have been so far removed from their tool of origin for so long that no one knows what they go with.:(

The pictures denote a shop and lathe that is being used, not a messy shop - sorry Johnny. You do not qualify:)

Seeing as how I sort of started the "messy shop" strings I claim the right to set up the entry level rules :o:o:o:

1. When you can't see the floor in a 10' radius of the lathe it is mess.
2. When the piles reach the depth of at least 4" on every flat surface of your shop it is a mess.
3. When the waste baskets have been overflowing for at least 2 weeks and the overflow is following your footsteps around the shop it is a mess.
4. When foot paths slowly appear all over the shop it is a mess.
5. When it takes as long to find a tool as it takes to turn the work it is a mess.
6. When you think you need to order something and you want to make sure that you don't already have it....and it takes half a day to make sure it is a mess.
7. When a friend comes to your shop and the first thing they say is " holy crap, you have a concrete floor and benches!!!!" it was a mess.:D:D:D

Additional rules can of course be added.

Dan Forman
03-14-2011, 4:30 AM
Well, at least we can all agree that it's being used. :D