View Full Version : Making an abacus...

Tom Hammond
03-13-2011, 7:18 AM
Not one of those toys for kids with the beads. I'm making the real thing... a chinese suanpan 5-2 abacus... probably 18-24 digits across (whatever the traditional number is). My son's girlfriend is a naturalized American from China. She once said she was taught how to use an abacus in school, but no longer has one. She said she'd like to get one as a decorative piece... so I thought "Hmmm... the design is pretty simple, maybe I'll just make it. So, I've got myself a few pieces of nice walnut, including the dowels... but now I need the beads.

I don't want to make these things myself... actually, I know I won't. However, I've tried finding them seemingly everywhere. I need a resource for high-quality beads appropriate for this type of item. Any input is GREATLY appreciated. Thanks, guys.


David Thompson 27577
03-13-2011, 12:40 PM
I agree that good beads are difficult to find. The best luck I've had is by going to craft fairs -- some event at which you might dream of someday selling your own woodworking projects.

Carl Babel
03-14-2011, 7:13 PM
Tom, here's a thought: why not find an Abacus that has beads that you like and break it apart to get the beads? This way, you can probably find a set of beads that look exactly like what you want.

In lieu of that, you might check with a craft store. Michaels has all kinds of beads:

Bill Huber
03-14-2011, 10:31 PM
You may want to take a look at this site.
