View Full Version : Router Bit Ignorance

Teresa Jones
01-24-2005, 12:42 PM
Hey Guys,

I purchased a 3-wing slotting cutter for a headboard project I am working on.

The bit and arbor were in different packages, so some assembly required.

The arbor came with 3 washers, the bearing, and the nut.

I just want to protect myself from my own ignorance here. This is how I assembled the router bit.

I took everything off of the arbor. I put on a washer, then the bit, then another washer, then the bearing, then another washer, then the nut.

Is that the correct sequence?

Also, I am assuming that if I am looking at the router bit after assembly but before installing in the router, with the nut at the top, the blades would rotate clockwise to cut.

Don't tell my Dad, he would be so embarrassed for me!!! He is a machinist.



Ted Shrader
01-24-2005, 12:49 PM
TJ -

Looking down at the bit with the nut at the top, the cutter should be mounted so it rotates CCW to cut.


Teresa Jones
01-24-2005, 1:31 PM
Thanks for your help, Ted.

Here is a picture of the bit I purchased. It looks to me like the cutter would have to rotate clockwise for the knives to cut if it is mounted like the picture shows.

Does the picture look correct and I just don't know my left from right? This is entirely possible - it is Monday after all.

Brian Hale
01-24-2005, 1:41 PM
The NOT picture is correct.

Ted has it right

Dave Brandt
01-24-2005, 1:44 PM
In your photo, the cutter is on backwards!

Ted Shrader
01-24-2005, 1:46 PM
Thanks for your help, Ted.

Here is a picture of the bit I purchased. It looks to me like the cutter would have to rotate clockwise for the knives to cut if it is mounted like the picture shows.

Does the picture look correct and I just don't know my left from right? This is entirely possible - it is Monday after all.TJ -

Hold your router in normal postion (not upside down). Looking down through the router, the shaft turns CW - and so the bit is turning CW. You move the router left to right to cut (unless you are making a climb cut). Therefore, when you flip the bit upside down, the cutter should be going CCW. The picture is backwards. Check here: Amana Tool (http://www.amanatool.com/routerbits.htm)


ps Yeah it is Monday. I had to think about that one real hard, too. :) :)

Steve Jenkins
01-24-2005, 2:00 PM
TJ, when you use that cutter it may tend to tearout the edge of your groove. I always make a first light pass climb cutting then go the normal direction. It keeps the edges nice and clean that way. Steve

Teresa Jones
01-24-2005, 3:27 PM
That picture came right off the Woodcraft website. Unbelievable!

Thank you all for keeping me safe! I try not to be timid about using these fast rotating things but this a great example of not being able to rely on retailers website photos!!

Thanks, Steve, for the suggestion regarding tear out.


Norman Hitt
01-24-2005, 5:06 PM
That's not the first picture in an ad or catalogue that has been reversed which can happen if the print is made with the negative reversed.

The one possibility for this picture of the cutter to be correct, would be if it was set up to be used with a router bit adapter to run in a shaper, in the "Reverse" Mode. Most likely, someone just wasn't paying attention when they assembled it, (Or.........maybe it was assembled by some "helper" on loan from HD)