View Full Version : Cedar for turning???

Joe Ruszczyk
01-24-2005, 11:12 AM
Now that my working days for the Winter are behind me (I work on a golf course) I have a lot of free time until the end of March! While rooting around in a backyard woodpile yesterday I came across a bunch of red cedar that has been stacked out there the last four of five years! I thought that I would try turning some smallish, 3 or 4 inch tall candle holders from this wood as a trial! I can't find anywhere whether cedar is good on a lathe! How about you veteran turners clueing in this novice, can I safely turn aged red cedar! What would you suggest as a finish for this wood? Your input and assistance will be greatly appreciated!

Best wishes, Ky Joe

Ken Salisbury
01-24-2005, 11:19 AM
Now that my working days for the Winter are behind me (I work on a golf course) I have a lot of free time until the end of March! While rooting around in a backyard woodpile yesterday I came across a bunch of red cedar that has been stacked out there the last four of five years! I thought that I would try turning some smallish, 3 or 4 inch tall candle holders from this wood as a trial! I can't find anywhere whether cedar is good on a lathe! How about you veteran turners clueing in this novice, can I safely turn aged red cedar! What would you suggest as a finish for this wood? Your input and assistance will be greatly appreciated!

Best wishes, Ky Joe
I have made bowls, candlesticks, pens, fan pulls, bottle stoppers and other things from red cedar. Turns and finishes nicely. On bowls I use and oil/wax finish. On pens and small items I usually use Crystal Coat & Wax.

David Wilson
01-24-2005, 11:29 AM
Here is a cedar birdhouse I turned a couple weeks ago. Cedar turns easily and finishes nicely.http://www.sawmillcreek.org/attachment.php?attachmentid=14942&stc=1

Chris Rolke
01-24-2005, 12:09 PM
it dries out and cracks quickly

but the results can speak for themselves


Michael Stafford
01-24-2005, 1:08 PM
Gary Max, an SMC member is a very experienced user of cedar in a variety of ways and turns it all the time. Look up his posts to see some good work in cedar! :)

Gary Max
01-24-2005, 1:43 PM
Thanks Big Mike----kind words from a fellow woodworker are always nice to hear.
Joe I will post a new tread and show you some Cedar I just got done turning.

Bobby McCarley
01-24-2005, 5:27 PM
Joe, I have turned quite a bit of cedar. Great wood to work with. It will split a lot of times but that has never stopped me. The only caution I recommend is to be sure to wear a dust mask. To some people cedar dust can be pretty toxic. Other than that have fun and be sure to post some pictures.
