View Full Version : My pen turning project

Chris.hicks 82
03-11-2011, 10:28 PM
Here are the pens I have been making I am kinda new to this but I think I have done pretty good so far


Peter Hay in Aus
03-12-2011, 6:36 AM

I see you are experimenting with shapes and sizes, finishing techniques follow then photography then presentation all in good time. Try light coloured timbers next then cast blanks to decide which direction you are heading but above all have fun.

Kind regards Peter.

Michael James
03-12-2011, 10:46 AM
Hi Chris, and welcome. This is a standard "what it used to be like" beginning disclosure of a turning junkie..."I was just having fun, turning a few pens, and then I saw _____________ (some form or piece) over at ____________ (SMC) and told them I thought that was the coolest piece ever. S/he (they) claimed I too could make pieces like this and more.... and when I asked how they showed me this rabbithole looking orifice, known as the VORTEX........... I fell in head over heels.:eek:;):cool:

Bernie Weishapl
03-12-2011, 11:28 AM
Welcome Chris to SMC. Those are some good looking pens.

Ken Fitzgerald
03-12-2011, 11:53 AM
Chris....nice looking pens! Welcome to the Creek!

Mark Hubl
03-12-2011, 12:35 PM
Good looking pens. You are doing good, havin fun?

Chris.hicks 82
03-12-2011, 5:01 PM
Thanks for all the comments I love making things with my hands not sure what it is about turning nothing int something. But hopefully someday something will turn into $$$. As it stands right now I have been giving them away to friends and co-workers.

Jo Ranum
03-12-2011, 5:09 PM
Awesome pens Chris

Chris.hicks 82
03-12-2011, 5:12 PM
This is my state of the art work shop

Tim Thiebaut
03-12-2011, 7:00 PM
Hey Chris I think you did a great job on those pens, if you hadnt said anything I wouldnt have known you were new to turning them. I like your shop to, thanks for showing us.

Chris.hicks 82
03-12-2011, 9:38 PM
I am going to move everything out away from the walls and drilok them frame it all in then drywall and pegboard will go up I also have to put in a few more lights

David E Keller
03-12-2011, 9:44 PM
Looks like you're off to a good start, Chris. I hope you'll keep sharing your turnings as you continue on this path. You don't mention where you're from, but you can update your profile so that it'll show when you post... You never know when there might be a Creeker nearby with too much burly wood!

Chris.hicks 82
03-12-2011, 9:46 PM
I am from Sedalia, Missouri near Kansas City