View Full Version : Wood ID Help

Paul Ray Moore
03-11-2011, 2:01 PM
I go to our local compost land fill every so often to see what kind of wood has been dropped off. I picked these pieces up today and was wondering if anyone can help me identify the type. That is probably the only down side of picking up wood there because many times I have no idea what kind of wood I've picked up. The summer is a little easier because there will be some leaves around the wood but this time of year it is only limbs.
Thanks for any help you can offer.

charlie knighton
03-11-2011, 3:52 PM
mostly i see dark heartwood and white sapwood

yours is reversed, not cherry, walnut, maple, mesquite, i am afraid i can mainly tell you what it is not

large and straight enough that i do not think it is a fruit tree

William Bachtel
03-12-2011, 1:26 PM
Does it smell like Maple , it looks like Soft Maple

Stan Terrell
03-14-2011, 11:43 AM
Looks alot like Elm to me.

Paul Ray Moore
03-14-2011, 3:16 PM
Thanks for the help. I split one piece this weekend and it looks like maple. here is a picture of the piece I split.