View Full Version : Turkey Call Information

Curt Stivison
03-07-2011, 6:51 PM
I have a friend who wants me to make a striker for a turkey call. I would like to know what to finish it with or no finish at all? Also, do you have to do something with the tip to make it sound better. He has given me some Brazilian cherry to make it. Is one wood better than another. As you can tell I know nothing about calls but, I have seen some beauties on SMC.

Thank You

John Keeton
03-07-2011, 6:54 PM
Curt, hopefully one of the many turkey call makers will chime in - Jack Mincey, Ken Hill, and some others. I haven't made any, but I have used several. You can finish the striker, but not the tip. It is sanded slightly to give it friction against the slate. I would think Jatoba would work, but I would avoid any of the oily exotics.

Jeff Myroup
03-07-2011, 6:57 PM
I have been told, that different woods will make different sounds.

Jack Mincey
03-07-2011, 8:03 PM
Curt, I have found that some woods do work better than others. Persimmon, hickory, dogwood, bocote, and purple heart are some of my favorites. The one thing I find that hurts the most is if the wood is oily like cocobolo. The oil defeats the way a friction call works. I like for the tip to be rounded over some. If you can find an Feb. Issue of Woodturning Design Magazine there is an article in it that should help you a bit. I'm sending you a PM that might help.