View Full Version : Waiting gloat

Jim Burr
03-07-2011, 11:14 AM
So we were wandering around the nieghborhood and I came across a firewood lot. Guy lives in a travel trailer so I was thinking it may be temporary. I said "hey...let's go look for wood" Stacey shook her head...if I wasn't sick...she'd have grabbed the wheel and steered toward Target. She gave in and I tossed these in the truck for $10 total:eek:. Monster size Manzanita burls with a little burn marking. Now you say "But you only have a 1014!" Right you are! But I finally sold 2 more pens so my 1642 is paid for...once they go on sale later this year:o. I guess there will be plenty of time to see what will come out of these.

David E Keller
03-07-2011, 11:20 AM
You suck! Ten bucks for two giant chunks? I have manzanita envy! You can now consider yourself a licensed purchasing agent for my wood hoarding business... If you run across any more of those, I'll gladly reimburse you for the wood, time, and gas. Sheesh... You California guys have all the luck.

Carol Kinney
03-07-2011, 11:21 AM
Oh very nice and for only 10 bucks!!! You could cut those up into little chunks and sell them on ebay, you'd then have enough to purchase two 1642 lathes. Sweet purchase!

Dan Forman
03-07-2011, 1:08 PM
Waiting is hard. In the meantime, let the imagination run.


Michael James
03-07-2011, 1:58 PM
Good omen, amigo..... very good! The cosmos are smiling on you.:D

John Keeton
03-07-2011, 2:20 PM
Fantastic score, Jim!! They look dry, too. Pile up that wood - you will be back at the lathe in no time.

bob svoboda
03-07-2011, 2:54 PM
Very nice score. Can't wait to see them turned!

Steve Schlumpf
03-07-2011, 4:21 PM
Wow! Somehow saying 'Congrats' just doesn't seem to cover it! Excellent score! Looking forward to seeing what you turn out of them!

Bernie Weishapl
03-07-2011, 4:28 PM
Very nice score. Hope to see some fantastic turnings from those.

Doug W Swanson
03-07-2011, 5:16 PM
Nice score! And your wife even let you store them in the kitchen!

Donny Lawson
03-07-2011, 6:02 PM
Those are some great looking burls. Just make sure you check them for small rocks. Those little things sure can do a # on sharp tools.

Jim Burr
03-07-2011, 6:03 PM
Nice score! And your wife even let you store them in the kitchen!

Ha!!! She wasn't home when I took the pic's Doug;). Rest assured, if they hadn't moved to the garage..I would have!!:eek::o:p