View Full Version : Honey Locust bowl

Deane Allinson
03-06-2011, 6:01 PM
I tried turning something from dimensioned wood this time. I had a piece of 6x6x3 Honey locust. I broke a band saw blade trying to round it up. My 9" band saw is even a few years older than my lathe, late 30's - early 40's. PowerKraft. I have to thank to Bob Hamilton's video on turning a bowl with out a chuck. I'm getting the hang of what to do first, etc. The interior shape actually matched the exterior! The locust really takes a nice polish.

Donny Lawson
03-06-2011, 6:05 PM
Nice looking bowl. I've never turned a bowl without a chuck. Is that more difficult?

Steve Schlumpf
03-06-2011, 6:14 PM
Great looking bowl Deane! Love the wood! Could you give us some dimensions please?

Jim Burr
03-06-2011, 6:21 PM
Looks like a good sized Calabash Deane, 5x3 maybe?...very well done!

Deane Allinson
03-06-2011, 6:24 PM
It's about 5 1/2" wide and 3" tall. I don't know about the chuck, I don't have one. This was my 5th bowl and they are all still hard for me.

Mike Davis NC
03-06-2011, 6:33 PM
That is a nice bowl Deane. I turned my first bowls with just a faceplate and it is a lot harder than using a chuck.

I have turned locust also and I really like the finish it will make.

Dennis Ford
03-06-2011, 6:43 PM
That is a nice looking bowl, very good form. Using a faceplate instead of a chuck requires a different technique but I don't find it any harder to do. I use a faceplate on most things that are over 10" or so diameter.

Steve Vaughan
03-06-2011, 8:35 PM
That's really nice looking and you've given me something to look forward to. I've got a ton of honey locust bowls rough-turned and drying. I'm looking forward to nice looking grain like that. I like your size, the grain, and the shape.

Dan Forman
03-06-2011, 8:40 PM
Good looking bowl, love the wood. Looks like you got a very good finish. We have lots of black locust around here, not as pretty as the honey variety, ours is more yellow than golden. Pretty hard stuff!


Thomas Canfield
03-06-2011, 10:44 PM

Your work looks good, but I think you really need to find some easier wood to work with. A neighbor brought be a section of Red Bud tree about 8"D x 12" L a couple of days ago that was fresh cut (he said it had flowers on some of the cut limbs) and that stuff turned like butter, but did have some smell. I roughed out 2 bowls, put one in DNA and put Anchorseal on other. Interesting wood. I never would have thought of using it, but now wish I had more. Keep your eyes open for someone cutting trees, almost any kind, in the area.

Bernie Weishapl
03-06-2011, 11:11 PM
Good looking bowl and wood Deane. I turned several without a chuck but it is sure easier with one.