View Full Version : Shop Cleaning Saga #2

Dick Wilson
03-06-2011, 12:25 PM
Well, for those interested, here goes. Went down to the shop this morning and my dog ran for my bedroom to hide under the bed ( never said she was stupid ). My Shopsmith shop vac was full so the first order was to pull the bag out of the vacuum. Ya know, they obviously hired Mensa engineers to design it. They put the bolts going to the inside so that the nuts are exposed on the inside. I very carefully pulled the bag out. Yep, you guessed it, I caught the bag on a nut and put a hole in the bag on the very bottom of the bag. OK, I will just get a new bag. Not to be, I didn't have any more bags:mad::mad::mad:. After scratching my head a while over a cup of coffee I came up with the idea of putting the old bag back on. When I turned it on to check everything there was a stream of dust shooting across my shop.:mad::mad::mad: I took the top off and poured sawdust that I had just taken out back into the bag until the hole was below the sawdust level. It worked.:D:D:DAfter all that crap I did manage to get 2/3 of the shop done. I have a reception to go to this afternoon for an art competition I am in ( man do I need it). Guess I will have to hold off another day to get back to projects.:(:(:( Hope all you Creekers get a lot accomplished today.

Tim Thiebaut
03-06-2011, 2:33 PM
Hey at least you are making progress on it....and your dog knew enough to stay hiden today! As for getting a lot done today, I turned a finial this morning and just finished it up, and then sealed/finished 2 others I turned in the past couple of days, I am trying to make just the right one for a project...I just need to figure out which of the 3 I like best once the finish cures.

Rick Markham
03-06-2011, 5:02 PM
Dick, these trials and tribulations of cleaning your shop are making me less inclined to clean mine :D

Kevin Lucas
03-06-2011, 5:07 PM
Does sweeping it all from the back of the garage to the front and making a big pile count as cleaning?

John Keeton
03-06-2011, 5:09 PM
Dick, me thinks this shop cleaning would go better with a little more positive attitude!!:rolleyes::D:D

Steve Schlumpf
03-06-2011, 5:27 PM
Ever watch Red Green? Sounds like something right off the show and you knew he would fix the problem with duct tape!

Congrats on the art show you mentioned. Where, when and what do you have in it?

Fred Perreault
03-06-2011, 5:57 PM
Steve, I was wondering when the duct tape repair was gonna' be mentioned by Dick. It appears that he might not be as smart as his pooch after all... :) :

clean:http://sp.dictionary.com/dictstatic/g/d/speaker.gif (http://dictionary.reference.com/audio.html/lunaWAV/C05/C0539300) /klin/ http://sp.dictionary.com/dictstatic/g/d/dictionary_questionbutton_default.gif (http://dictionary.reference.com/help/luna/IPA_pron_key.html) Show Sp

1. free from dirt; unsoiled; unstained: She bathed and put on a clean dress.

2. free from foreign or extraneous matter: clean sand.

3. free from pollution (http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/pollution); unadulterated; pure: clean air; clean water (http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/water).

4. habitually free (http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/free) of dirt: Cats are considered clean animals (http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/animals).

5. characterized by a fresh, wholesome quality: the clean smell of pine.

6. free from all writing or marking: a clean sheet of paper.

7. having few or no corrections; easily readable: The publisher demanded clean proofs from the (http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/the) printer.

8. free from roughness or irregularity: He made a clean cut with a razor.

9. not ornate; gracefully spare; forceful and simple; trim; streamlined: a clean literary style; the clean lines of a ship.

10. complete; unqualified: a clean break with tradition.

11. morally pure; innocent; upright; honorable: to lead a clean life.

12. showing good sportsmanship; fair: a clean fighter.

13. inoffensive in language or content; without obscenity.

14. (of a document, record, etc.) bearing no marks of discreditable or unlawful conduct; listing no offenses: a clean driver's license.

15. Slang . a. innocent of any crime.

b. not having a criminal record.

c. carrying or containing no evidence of unlawful activity or intent, as controlled substances, unlicensed weapons, or contraband: The agents searched the car (http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/car) for drugs (http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/drugs), but it was clean.

d. not using narcotics.

16. (of a nuclear weapon) producing little or no radioactive fallout.

17. not radioactive.

Dick Wilson
03-06-2011, 6:49 PM
Ever watch Red Green? Sounds like something right off the show and you knew he would fix the problem with duct tape!

Congrats on the art show you mentioned. Where, when and what do you have in it?

Steve, :):)I was using duct tape while trying to get the band around the plastic bag to clamp it down. Red is my hero. If only I could be as talented as he some day:rolleyes: Show is one of the regional art competitions that go on in this area. Have two entries - hollow form and a suspended form. Pretty tough to win in a ocean of paintings. Just trying to get my name out there.