View Full Version : Thin goblets

Bruce Pratt
03-05-2011, 9:24 PM
Thought I would take a shot at some thin stems. Figured these would just be technique pieces, and used some pretty boring wood, pine and poplar, because I figured I'd break a few. Turns out I didn't. Heights are 10" and 11 3/4", stems are 1/8". Did all of the outside shaping, including stems with a 3/8" Sorby bowl gouge w/ fingernail grind. Not brave enough to try it with a skew.


Bob Bergstrom
03-05-2011, 9:45 PM
If you do use a skew, don't try it with a Alan Lacer size. You will need all the control you can get. A pen size skew will work the best. I make my own out of old discarded planer blades. Great high speed steel and hold an edge very well.

Curt Fuller
03-05-2011, 9:52 PM
Those are great. I'm especially impressed with the pine. That's difficult wood to work with anytime, but at 1/8" thick, that's some real tool control.

John Keeton
03-05-2011, 9:57 PM
Nice pair of seismographs!!! Bet those suckers swing back and forth when you walk past them.

Baxter Smith
03-05-2011, 10:27 PM
Technique pieces for sure. Great job of turning!

David E Keller
03-05-2011, 10:35 PM
Nicely done. I had a go at a thin stemmed piece today, and it's a great way to practice tool control... I'll post some photos when it's finished.

Steve Campbell
03-05-2011, 10:40 PM
Very nice indeed. Someday I'll have enough courage to try that.


Bernie Weishapl
03-05-2011, 11:16 PM
Really nice pieces. Amazing with that wood.

Steve Schlumpf
03-06-2011, 12:23 AM
Very nice work Bruce - especially on the pine! Doesn't matter which tool you used - you turned it and turned it well!

Bruce Pratt
03-07-2011, 8:10 PM
Thanks all for your comments. I think I'll have another go at this form, only using some more interesting wood. Also need to refine the base a bit. Will post pix if/when successful.