View Full Version : End-o-pond **PICS**

Ken Salisbury
04-14-2003, 9:53 AM
Thanks to Ray and Lynn for hosting a great event. We all had a blast. I have posted the pics I took on my web site. You can e-mail me any pictures you may have taken and I will get them all in one place.

<p align="center">Click Thumbnail for full size pic:
<a href="http://www.klsal.com/pond19.jpg">
<img border="2" src="http://www.klsal.com/pond19_small.jpg" xthumbnail-orig-image="http://www.klsal.com/pond19.jpg" width="100" height="80"></a>

Click here for the rest of the pictures (http://www.klsal.com/pondorama.htm)

Gary Hern
04-14-2003, 1:12 PM
What an outstanding event! There was even an old comedian there that was chasing all the young ladies all weekend. I thought he was going to do some turning, but all I saw him do was make some silly pens! ;)

Great seeing everyone.

<p align="center">
Edited by the Moderator: </p>
Hey ! -- If you can't have respect for your elders --- at least have respect for your betters. :D

"The Old Man"

Tom Sweeney
04-14-2003, 1:21 PM
& pics of the EOP gathering. Sounds like a great time was had by all. Sorry I had to miss it.

Keep the pics coming :D

David Rose
04-14-2003, 2:10 PM
Did the old comedian (I'm sure with a Bud Lite in hand) ever catch one of those young ladies? I've watched him corner a couple but he never got violent with them.:D

David, who would have given his eye tooth to have been there

David Propst
04-14-2003, 7:45 PM
Looking over the pics made me wish it we all could have stayed on Sunday. It was just too short to see and talk to everyone there!

It was a blast!


Jim Baker
04-14-2003, 11:22 PM
I really enjoyed watching Ken make his pens, especially when he let me make one. It was the first time I had ever used a lathe and it turned out super. Ken is a wonderful teacher.