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View Full Version : BURR!!! It was a good day to be in the shop..pics...

Terry Hatfield
01-22-2005, 6:41 PM
Howdy everyone,

Well, that big 'ole No.7 not having a home got solved today. I went out to the shop this morning armed with a bunch of pictures I printed of other folk's plane storage ideas to try and figure it out. I did'nt have a clue what I was going to do for more storage but I was determined to figure out something that would be fairly easy, cost zero and allow for expansion in the future.

I think I came up with a pretty good solution. The back of the bench has 4 doors. The center ones are right behind the drawers on the front so there was about 11" of room left over that I put an adjustable shelf in when I first built the bench. I used the area to store finishing supplies, glue etc...

<IMG SRC="http://www.terryhatfield.com/newbenchrear.jpg">

I emptied all that stuff out of the bench and jambed it onto other shelves leaving this pretty good sized hole.

<IMG SRC="http://www.terryhatfield.com/nps3.JPG">

I used a scrap piece of 3/4" white oak ply to build an angled back for the left over hole. It's tilted back at a 15 deg. angle but the planes smaller than No.5 seemed a bit unstable to me. I thought about making cleats as others have done but I happened to remember that I had some 1/2" rare earth magents!!! I drilled holes 1" below the end of the toes of the No.3, No.4 and LA block and epoxyed the magnets in the holes so they are barely proud of the base. They worked great!!! They have just enough pull for the planes to be very stable yet not so much that you have to wrestle them out. You can see them in this pic.

<IMG SRC="http://www.terryhatfield.com/nps5.JPG">

And here is the done deal. I still have some room left for more goodies!!! The smaller planes could be stacked if need be in the future. The dividers are attached with a few 5/8" brads so they can come out easily too.

<IMG SRC="http://www.terryhatfield.com/nps1.JPG">

Obviously I had to revamp the insert in the drawer where the planes were while I was at it. :D All the planes except for the newly aquired No. 7 were in here originally. I really wanted my chisles in this drawer anyway. :D I built a little divided box to hold them. I actually have expansion room in here now too!!!!

<IMG SRC="http://www.terryhatfield.com/pdd16.JPG">

All in all a good day in the shop.

Thanks for looking!!!


Jim Becker
01-22-2005, 7:14 PM
Excellent solution, Terry, and having all the smaller stuff in the "front" of the bench will be very handy. It was nice you could get in your shop today, too...mine is about 20º inside and I didn't even both to try and raise the tempurature up to something workable!

Tyler Howell
01-22-2005, 7:17 PM
Looks Like Room for more!!!

Terry Hatfield
01-22-2005, 7:49 PM

Yup...that is a good thing!!!!!!!!


Dude!!! 20 degrees in the shop is no good!!!! I fired up the wood stove this mornin' and it was toasty in no time. The wind sure did rattle the overhead doors though!!!


Ted Shrader
01-22-2005, 8:02 PM
Terry -

Looks like you have solved the problem . . . . for the short term any way. :) Any thoughts on your next expansion?


Terry Hatfield
01-22-2005, 8:24 PM
Terry -

Looks like you have solved the problem . . . . for the short term any way. :) Any thoughts on your next expansion?



My next expansion is probably going to be me living in the shop if I don't stop buying planes!!! :D

Actually, I will most likely buy the LV medium shoulder plane once I get a few more extra bucks.


John Dingman
01-22-2005, 8:44 PM

Great Job! Nice solution and it even left you room for future expansion. ;) You are going to like having all your hand tools at the bench. In addition to the shoulder plane you might want to consider adding a 98/99 combo set to your tool drawer. Very useful to have.

Have a great day!

Tom LaRussa
01-22-2005, 8:49 PM
BURR!!! It was a good day to be in the shop
You can say that again. It must have dropped clear down to the high fifties today! :eek:

On a serious note, that's a heck of a nice day's work, Terry. :)

Terry Hatfield
01-22-2005, 8:53 PM
You can say that again. It must have dropped clear down to the high fifties today! :eek:

On a serious note, that's a heck of a nice day's work, Terry. :)



50's!!!!!!!!!!! :eek: I bet that ruined your entire day. :D :D

Single digits here tonite. I know lots of folks are colder but that's plenty cold enough for this Arkansas boy!!


Terry Hatfield
01-22-2005, 8:54 PM

Great Job! Nice solution and it even left you room for future expansion. ;) You are going to like having all your hand tools at the bench. In addition to the shoulder plane you might want to consider adding a 98/99 combo set to your tool drawer. Very useful to have.

Have a great day!

Thanks John!!!!

It sure was lots easier than taking down the pegboard and building cabinets!!!! It never even occurred to me until I went out to the shop this mornin'. I agree totally that having this stuff stored in the bench is WAY better than across the shop in a wall cabinet.


Jim Young
01-22-2005, 10:15 PM
Looks like a day well spent, Terry. I have started collecting those stupid planes too lately. I'm gonna have to do the same thing, make a place for them that keeps them cozie.

Jerry Olexa
01-22-2005, 11:34 PM
Excellent use of space! Creative and practical..Great job!

John Miliunas
01-22-2005, 11:50 PM
Well done, Terry! Good looking rack, though it doesn't look like too much room for more! :D Cross that bridge when you get to it, right?:) (And, I believe you WILL get to it!:D ) :cool:

Jim Dunn
01-22-2005, 11:52 PM
I want to see the shelves you stored all that stuff on;) I bet they don't look as nice as the new storage area under your bench. By the way NICE job!


Terry Hatfield
01-23-2005, 12:26 AM
I want to see the shelves you stored all that stuff on;) I bet they don't look as nice as the new storage area under your bench. By the way NICE job!



:eek: No way!!!! They are just a big pile 'o stuff!! :D


Dan Moening
01-23-2005, 11:57 AM

Sure how that there is room for a #8 ... or you'll be doing this again :p

1/2" rare earth magnets, eh? {making mental note}

Do you suppose they would work alright if they were just below the surface rather than proud?

Terry Hatfield
01-23-2005, 12:34 PM

Sure how that there is room for a #8 ... or you'll be doing this again :p

1/2" rare earth magnets, eh? {making mental note}

Do you suppose they would work alright if they were just below the surface rather than proud?


Yup...There is 26 1/2" of vertical space so any future No.8's will fit just fine.

I'm not sure if the magnets would work if they were recessed. I left them a tiny bit proud to be for sure that I wouldn't have to dig them out after they were epoxyed!!


Herb Blair
01-23-2005, 4:51 PM
Nice Job Terry. I wish I were as organized as you.

Dennis McDonaugh
01-23-2005, 11:14 PM
Terry, you don't have nearly enough room in there for all the chisels you need!

Terry Hatfield
01-23-2005, 11:19 PM
Terry, you don't have nearly enough room in there for all the chisels you need!

Agreed...but that's all the chisles I have :eek: well all that I have that are any good. This set of Crowns is very special to me. The attendees at my first bbq bought this set for me. :) :) :)
