View Full Version : Recipe for disaster 2011

Mike Cruz
03-04-2011, 3:58 PM
One tractor, a bunch of chainsaws, a bunch of drooling turners, a large maple that has been down for a couple of years (but I don't think rotten), and beer...:D

I've invited people over in the past to cut up some wood. Only a couple have taken advantage of it. Here's another chance. Due to my arms still not able to weild a chainsaw, I won't be on one of those. BUT, I do have the tractor to pull this thing across the creek and get the wood back to the house.

Anyone in? Tony, Dan, Peter, Steve, Baxter, Ken (like YOU need wood :rolleyes: :D), anyone else? Suggestions for dates?

BTW, this tree is well over 2 feet in diameter at the base. You can't tell from the pics, but there is all kinds of twist etc. at the base. I imagin there will be a lot of figure, too.While the ends (towards my dogs) are starting to rot, because the tree lived for a while after falling, I think that the rot probably doesn't go far.

Tony De Masi
03-04-2011, 5:12 PM
Just when I'm looking for more maple look who steps up. Of course I'm in. The only date this month that is out is the 19th. Otherwise it's pretty open. Hope you get more reponses too. I hate to cut alone.

bob svoboda
03-04-2011, 5:14 PM
Could you be any further away? :mad: :D

Mike Cruz
03-04-2011, 5:40 PM
The 19th and the following weekend are out for me. Otherwise, I'm probably available.

Rick Markham
03-04-2011, 5:45 PM
If I come, will you drag it back to my house with your tractor :rolleyes:

Jon Lanier
03-04-2011, 6:08 PM
Chainsaws and beer....uh... errr... ummmm I think I'll stay away from that combination. But if something mis-fortunate should happen, I'll be available to do the eulogy.

Dan Hintz
03-04-2011, 6:45 PM
I'm free tomorrow... :)

Mike Cruz
03-04-2011, 6:57 PM
Bob, only by about another 200 miles...

No, but your rear bumper would be draggin' from al the weight, Rick.

Jon, if I know this crowd, they are pretty responsible. Those flingin' chips will be in too focused to drink much if all while cutting. It's the peanut gallery that's back seat driving (or should I say back seat cutting) that'll be pounding 'em. By the peanut gallery, I mean Dan, Peter, and myself. By the focused ones, I mean Tony and Baxter. Hey, why hasn't Baxter chimed in yet? What, Baxter, you don't like Maple?

Dan, um, tomorrow might be a little quick. Let's give this thread a week to generate a crowd. If we did it tomorrow, we'd probably get a bunch of "Awe, man, I didn't even know about it" responses.

Dan and Tony, are you available next weekend? I'm not sure if I am just yet, but I can check. Let me know. And Jon, maybe you and Baxter could carpool...

Dan Hintz
03-04-2011, 7:01 PM
Meh, if all people want is wood, they can pick that up any time :D Let's CUT that bad boy!

Tony De Masi
03-04-2011, 7:15 PM
Next weekend only Saturday the 12th will work for me. I've never been referred to as focused before. Not sure how to respond to that one. Maybe Sean will chime in too. He's not too far at all.

Joe Shinall
03-04-2011, 7:17 PM
Please say chainsaw...then beer.

I'd be in, but I'm only about 13 states away so count me out.

Mike Cruz
03-04-2011, 7:41 PM
Joe, would it help if I said tractor and beer? :D

Tony, I'll check re next Saturday. I meant focused in a good way. And Sean is certainly welcome. I've never met the guy, but any friend of yours is a, well, I'll try to tolerate him anyway... :D:D:D

Thom Sturgill
03-04-2011, 8:09 PM
Mike, I'd love to get in, but despite the fact that I'll be in western NC over spring break, i'm afraid its still too far.

Mike Cruz
03-04-2011, 10:22 PM
Yeah, that might be a bit of a haul. Let me know if you are ever going to be up here, Thom. I'm sure I can find some wood to send you home with.

OK, fellas, I'm a GO for next Saturday. So, who else will be here besides Tony and Dan? We need more people. Otherwise, it will be me on the tractor, Tony flinging a chainsaw, and Dan directing both of us (two fisting it, no doubt).

Baxter Smith
03-04-2011, 11:19 PM
.... Hey, why hasn't Baxter chimed in yet? What, Baxter, you don't like Maple?

Thanks for the offer Mike, but I probably won't be in your neck of the woods. I do like spalted Maple though! Took down these two dead ones today.
The one in the foreground came down cleanly but the one in the back hung up. Had to shorten it a couple feet at a time.
Just left it cut in long sections to spalt a bit more. May take awhile since it was zero last night, though it was a balmy 26 when I took the picture.
White rot had gotten into the first one though 2/3 is still solid. Just not a very pretty color.
The stump is solid just not a very pretty color either. I doubt it will improve with time.
You(and anyone else)is more than welcome to come and get some of this Mike. Sorry I can't offer a tractor that can get to it yet, but I do have a couple extra pairs of snowshoes and a toboggan.:D

Mike Cruz
03-05-2011, 12:22 AM
Um, Baxter, you are still snow covered? Yeah, it was cold here last night, tool. But we've been unbelievably warm. I haven't seen snow here in weeks. The ski slopes are getting bare spots, and you still have snow on the ground? Waddupwidat?

Sorry we'll miss you. We needed another person to balance out Dan and my energy level. Tony's gonna have his hands full with us if no one else shows. :eek:

Maybe Dan can get Belinda to come...:D

Cathy Schaewe
03-05-2011, 9:40 AM
Are ya joking? We still have snow piles 12-15' tall. I'm hoping they'll melt by July ....

Peter Elliott
03-05-2011, 10:00 AM
Mikey, I'm in with one foot.. you know..

Chainsaw, beer on one foot - now that is worth driving to Mikes.

Now to find a dull chain for my saw.. what? got to make it a real show...:eek:

I'm in..

Mike Cruz
03-05-2011, 10:48 AM
Ok, the usual suspects are in:


Why do I even bother with these threads... I have these three guy phone numbers. I could have just called them!

Let's get some new faces in the crowd. Tony, I'm not even sure who Sean is. Can you contact him to see if he'd like to come? I haven't heard from Ken Hill. Like I said, he needs wood like he needs a hole in the head, but it's for the fun...

Anyone else? DavidNelson1?

Mike Cruz
03-05-2011, 10:53 AM
Oh, and for anyone concerned about the beer thing...really, we are a responsible bunch. We all have wives that would KILL us if something that stupid happened. So, don't worry, this isn't a let's get drunk and cut wood party. Heck, I think MY wife would kill ME if anyone got hurt.

Baxter Smith
03-05-2011, 11:08 AM
The snow has settled a lot but it is still knee deep or more in spots Mike. I don't always just cut wood in my slowerDelaware backyard.;)


Dan Hintz
03-05-2011, 12:36 PM
White rot... is that the "technical" name for the punky, crumbly stuff?

Dan Hintz
03-05-2011, 12:39 PM
Just spoke with the social director... I'm told I'm free to play with my friends next Saturday.

Rick Markham
03-05-2011, 5:08 PM
My social director informs me that I ain't allowed to play with y'all! :p

Baxter Smith
03-05-2011, 10:50 PM
White rot... is that the "technical" name for the punky, crumbly stuff?

You got it Dan. A little bit can grow to way too much in a pretty short amount of time. Hopefully Mikes maple won't have it or at least not much! Glad you have permission to go out to play. Sounds like fun. Hope you don't have to snuggle up to your bandsaw when you get home this time. But then, you do have a new lathe.;):D

Dan Hintz
03-05-2011, 10:58 PM
One of my neighbors has a cherry tree that took some damage in a storm last year, so he cut it back to a series of stumps that stood 7-8' high, almost all were 8-12" in diameter. The trunk has about 6-7 of these offshoots, so I've been salivating at what I could make from it. Afraid he was going to chop it up into kindling when I wasn't around, I finally dropped by this afternoon. It's going to be a base for his new granddaughter's treehouse... but he admitted time is tight, so if he gives up on the project, the tree is mine :) There was a fair bit of rot here and there, as if smaller limbs were cut off right at the edge of the limb and weren't properly coated, but there was plenty if useful stuff there.

I hope he realizes the community rules don't allow treehouses... ;)

patrick stein
03-06-2011, 8:16 PM
hi mike ,
wondering if you would like one more person for the party ( ha ha ) if so could you fill me in on the date and pm me the address .I live in parkville not to far away.

thanks patrick

Dale Bright
03-07-2011, 7:47 AM

I can not make it on the 12th or 13th, I am working at the WoodWorking Show in Fairfax. If you decide to wait until the 19th, I am in.


Mike Cruz
03-07-2011, 7:58 AM
Patrick, of course we'd love another. PM sent.

Dale, a couple of us, me included, can't do the 19th. And I can't do the weekend of the 25th. I think that is why we decided on this Saturday. Sorry that we'll miss you. I would have been nice to meet you.

Mike Cruz
03-07-2011, 10:59 PM
Ok, looks like this Saturday the 12th at 10 am. All in nod once for yes, and blink twice for no. If you need directions or whatever, PM me.

So far, we only have:


Brian Effinger
03-07-2011, 11:18 PM
Wish I were closer. It sounds like it will be a good time. So I guess that's a ;) ;)

Dan Hintz
03-08-2011, 6:49 AM

JohnT Fitzgerald
03-08-2011, 7:13 AM
I don't turn, but if I lived closer I'd show up just for the tractor, chainsaws and beer!

Mike Cruz
03-08-2011, 7:22 AM
That's the spirit, John! Funny, I invited some wwer's that I know that either turn, but not much, or don't turn at all...figuring that they might want to come for the fun part, even if they don't need the wood. Surprised that they declined because of no "need". Need in this instance is nice, but not necessary.

Tim Thiebaut
03-08-2011, 7:44 AM
The snow has settled a lot but it is still knee deep or more in spots Mike. I don't always just cut wood in my slowerDelaware backyard.;)


Baxter is this picture in Delaware? It sure looks a lot like Isle au Haut. Question, in the picture above is that a type of fungus growing on that tree you cut down? I am sorry to go off topic here guys but as just curious.

patrick stein
03-08-2011, 10:18 AM
sounds great nod

Dan Hintz
03-08-2011, 1:38 PM
For those who are interested in getting some original formula AnchorSeal... I just ordered two 5-gallon pails. I had only intended to order one, but the nice woman on the phone notified me their pricing was going up (again) on Monday. I figured some of the locals wouldn't mind picking up a gallon or so, and it wasn't that much. I will bring some to the meet should anyone wish to fill their own container...

A quart of the 2nd gen stuff sells for $11 at Woodcraft, and I'm hearing a lot of dissension in the ranks that this stuff is as good as the original formula... I hear about extra coats being required, more cracking/splitting in general, etc. Your call...

Baxter Smith
03-09-2011, 10:24 PM
Baxter is this picture in Delaware? It sure looks a lot like Isle au Haut. Question, in the picture above is that a type of fungus growing on that tree you cut down? I am sorry to go off topic here guys but as just curious.
Not Isle au Haut even though the rocks are similar. Almost due west across the bay. IF you ever saw "Forest Gump", you have seen this light before. The fungus in the picture was the outward sign of what was happening on the inside of the tree relative to white rot. Thought someone might benefit.

Mike Cruz
03-09-2011, 10:57 PM
Well, Peter just took a dive and bailed on us for Saturday. So, that leaves us with Tony, Dan, and Patrick. Anyone want to take Peter's spot (and wood)? Of course that is, in a way, a joke. There is enough of this tree for a couple more people easily. Whatever isn't taken for turning will likely end up in my woodstove. So, anybody wanna come?

Don Alexander
03-09-2011, 11:04 PM
i want to but its a bit too far for a daytrip hehe

Mike Cruz
03-09-2011, 11:29 PM
Let's see, Don...

320 miles at 16 mpg (gasoline pick up mpg) = 20 gallons. 20 gallons X $3.50 per gallon = $70 for fuel.
One night stay at local motel = $70
Food = $40 I'll even cook ya a burger...(along with the other guys) for lunch on Saturday.
Beer = On me.

All in, $180. How many blanks would you need to make that worth it? Ten 14+ inch blanks? More? I'm sure we could make the trip worth it... If you like ash, I've got boat loads of that. Not as big, may 12" diameter logs, but you are welcome to as much of that as you would like. It is just sitting in a pile. Heck anyone can have the ash...

Peter Elliott
03-09-2011, 11:36 PM
Hey, don't count my wood out yet.... you never said you were buying the beer, so I am now reconsidering.. Our last adventure, I walked (crutched) away with $90 of beer and a spot on my underpants..

Mike Cruz
03-09-2011, 11:48 PM
Hmmmm, sounds like Peter is back in! Wow, beer and meat on a fishing line really DOES work.

Hey, that doesn't mean no one else can come. Don, we can still make it work.

Dan Hintz
03-10-2011, 6:15 AM
Our last adventure, I walked (crutched) away with $90 of beer and a spot on my underpants...
Thank God I know the backstory on this one, else I would have to start bringing protection to Mike's house... like Amy.

Mike Cruz
03-10-2011, 7:33 AM
My place is like Vegas, baby... What happens here, stays here! Unless, of course, you blurt it on the internet. :D

Fred Perreault
03-10-2011, 7:39 AM
I have followed the thread/party/work detail with amusement. I am working hard to get a spot in the charade, but it is looking unlikely. However, if I can make it can I have the ambulance and medical supplies concession?

:) :) :( :(

Dan Hintz
03-10-2011, 9:06 AM
With a little touch-up paint, that could be the next Ghostbusters vehicle :)

"Coming soon to a theater near you... TreeBusters! Starring the most unlikely group of wanna-be woodworkers the silver screen has ever seen. Taking down trees in a haphazard fashion, they thrill you with their death-defying feats! Jason Vorhees? Freddy Kruger? Pansies! Watch Mike Cruz wield a chainsaw that would make a lumberjack scream like a little girl. See Peter Elliott double-fist his Monkey Ale while hobbling for cover. Laugh as Dan Hintz uses a spindle gouge from outer space to trim blanks from freshly fallen trees. Sob as Baxter Smith swoons over the felling of yet another majestic woodland creature. Everything is here for the action/drama/comedy/sci-fi/thriller/romance of the season... except the romance. Don't miss it!"

It's a shame Don LaFontaine isn't still alive... he'd make the above sound awesome. Maybe we can get that new guy, Ted Williams.

Dan Carroll
03-10-2011, 9:33 AM
One tractor, a bunch of chainsaws, a bunch of drooling turners, a large maple that has been down for a couple of years (but I don't think rotten), and beer...:D

I've invited people over in the past to cut up some wood. Only a couple have taken advantage of it. Here's another chance. Due to my arms still not able to weild a chainsaw, I won't be on one of those. BUT, I do have the tractor to pull this thing across the creek and get the wood back to the house.

Anyone in? Tony, Dan, Peter, Steve, Baxter, Ken (like YOU need wood :rolleyes: :D), anyone else? Suggestions for dates?

BTW, this tree is well over 2 feet in diameter at the base. You can't tell from the pics, but there is all kinds of twist etc. at the base. I imagin there will be a lot of figure, too.While the ends (towards my dogs) are starting to rot, because the tree lived for a while after falling, I think that the rot probably doesn't go far.

I am interested. I am in Walkersville, Md, so unless you are in Oakton, close by. Time, directions? You can PM me.

Peter Elliott
03-10-2011, 10:06 AM
Dan C. your about 35mins away.. Take 340 west past Jefferson and .... well I think we need to blindfold you before reveling Mike's estate.. Just bring some mace for defense and a good sense of humor..

And always wear your eye protection!

To keep this thread turning related. Mike offered to make fresh curlys on Saturday using his newly restored lathe. If he doesn't, we are taking it from him. The poor lathe had to declare Emancipation and was awarded by the SMC courts..

I'm sure Mike will chime in on directions, etc..

Mike Cruz
03-10-2011, 11:59 AM
Or the comedian, Pablo Francisco. He does a great immitation...with sound effects!

Don Alexander
03-10-2011, 8:47 PM
Hey, that doesn't mean no one else can come. Don, we can still make it work

wish i could Mike, but just can't at least this time around

Dan Hintz
03-13-2011, 6:27 PM
Mike must be too busy turning <cough cough> to post pics of the event ;) So after we all got nice and toasty from the multitude of beers provided by the Cruz family, multiple chainsaws were cranked up and we went to town on that bad boy :p

What a beast of a tree! Here most of us were thinking "Meh, it'll take us a couple of hours..." Yeah, that sucker was pushing 3' in diameter near the base before we even hit the flare. Peter was kind enough to grace us with his presence as the burgers were cooking, and he stayed long enough to share yet another Craig's List picker story, steal some wood, then hightail it outta there. Patrick and Tony did the bulk of the cutting, but Mike decided things weren't moving fast enough for his tastes, so he finally got out his own saw. I guess he felt Patrick's little hatchet just wasn't cutting the mustard.

It's insane how much wood came out of that one tree... Patrick drove away with 2/3rd of his truck's bed full, tony probably had a 3/4 full bed, Mike was left with two truckload's worth, and I drove away with a few thick slabs myself. Spalting on the majority of the pieces well into 1/3rd of the diameter, and quite a bit of Ambrosia through the lower half of the tree, straight to the pith. There will be some sweet looking platters and bowl coming out of those blanks :)

Cathy Schaewe
03-13-2011, 8:46 PM
Pics! We want pics! I spent the weekend cutting oak burl - that sucker was wet and HEAVY! I hope you guys' backs feel better than mine ...

patrick stein
03-13-2011, 9:19 PM
hi Cathy,
I spent the day helping a friend with their roof, thencut and sealed the maple from mikes. I just got out of the hot tub after 30 minutes not to bad.

Peter Elliott
03-13-2011, 11:14 PM
Oh, I got some pics and a nice video of the "host" taking a .......(wait for it..) I've been ordered to wait until Cruz get's off his lathe and post some photos..

And all I thought I was just coming over for a hamburger and Molson XXX... then I see these chainsaws.. spalted maple ... etc.

My haul (which I got today) is definitely gloat worthy.. Thanks Tony/Patrick for the cutting.. One foot vs Chain Saw = No brainer -don't!

Mike Cruz
03-13-2011, 11:25 PM
Sorry to all who have been waiting. Friday was a heck of a day starting with chores around here, then picking up one of our horses at the vet hospital in Leesburg, VA (about an hour away), then more horse duties, then to my shop to get it presentable for the masses. Saturday started early with chores and a run to the dump to drop off trash and recycling before anyone got here at 10am. I was coming up my drive at 9:30 and my neighbor informed me that someone was already here. Oh well, so much for a 1/2 hour's rest. We went through our day of cutting, then my in laws arrived. I truly love those people...as good a folks as you could want to have as in laws. They just left at about 4 today. I did the horse chores, then sealed my haul, had dinner, sat down with my wife for a few, and now here I am...typing. I'm exhausted. But here it goes...

What a day! That was a great time, with great guys. First to show was Patrick. He had a little bit of a drive, so he gave himself a little extra time. I told him early wouldn't be a problem. Since he hadn't seen my shop before (but 3 of the others had) I thought I would start him off with a shop tour while we waited for the others to arrive. Not too long into the shop tour, Tony arrived. Dan Hintz followed a few minutes later...all there before 10. Dan Carroll showed just a few minutes after 10, and after a some short introductions, we decided to head out. Some short instructions of where we were headed, and how we would get all of us there (Patrick, Tony, and Dan C. in Patrick's truck, and me driving my tractor with Dan Hintz riding on the Bush Hog :D), we headed out.

While everyone assessed the tree and how we should tackle it, Dan and I started in on the beer. Just to settle the worrywarts, Patrick and Tony (who did most of the cutting) never tipped a frosty one back. I had their share. ;) We all agreed that one of the two upper trunks needed to come off first. Problem was, the tree spanned a creek, and the spot to stand to cut the trunk in question was, you guessed it, right over the creek. After throwing some boulders into the creek to try to gain a foothold, albeit unsuccessfully, I grabbed Tony's 20" Stihl, and went down and took it myself. No one really wanted to do it, and since it was (in a sense) my tree, I thought I'd be the one to fall in, if anyone would. Me falling in was to come...but much later, but I digress. With that trunk cut off, I hopped back on the tractor, and pulled it out. We could already see that there was some really interesting stuff hidden in this tree.

Side note: The tree fell naturally, 3 years ago. The root ball and the end of the trunks were touching ground, but the rest of it was suspended above the creek.

I first tried to pull the whole tree out. NO way. So, Patrick and Tony cut the main trunk about 10 feet from the root ball. After a valiant effort on my part (okay, maybe valiant is not the right word...how about fruitless and way past the point of a glimmer of hope of being successful) of trying to pull the rest of the tree out with the tractor, we decided to to cut the remaining trunk in two and take it out separately. That left that 10 foot section on the other side of the creek. The only way to get it out was to cut it up into blanks over there, and bring the blanks over one at a time. Patrick spent most of his time over there. Thank goodness he showed up... Not only was he very knowledgeable, strong, and willing, but he also brought his little friend...a 24" Husqvarna! And as Dan Hintz already eluded, that puppy was getting buried in that trunk. Patrick had to switch sides to get all the way through. Props to Patrick and Tony did on that big stuff.

We broke for lunch. Got back to the house. I put 6 burgers on the GF grill, and guess who came down the driveway about a minute after the sizzling started...Peter. Actually, with a broken foot, and list of contractors showing up at his house Saturday morning, we knew he wasn't going to be there until later in the day. We all slopped down our burgers, and back to cutting. And as Dan also eluded, we all thought this was going to go a LOT faster. So, since my arms were actually feeling pretty well, I brought my 20" Stihl along for the afternoon. We got back down to the tree's location, and a bunch of saws fired up. We had three buzzing at once, chips were flying, Dan and Dan were helping move the logs, and Peter was taking some pics with his phone.

At 3:00, I had to go back to the house to do horse chores. I took Dan Carroll back with me on the tractor, with Dan's wood in the tractor's bucket. Dan and I loaded up his car's trunk, and he was off. I went to the barn to clean stalls while the other guys finished up cutting the tree. Right about 3:30, the guys showed up with a pickup load of wood. They went back down with another pickup to fill it up. By the time I was done with the stalls, the guys were coming back with another pickup full. They dropped off a bunch for Peter. And informed me that they left a pickup load for me back at the trees location. Tony and Patrick took off, and Dan Hintz was nice enough to go back with me to load up my truck.

Dan loaded up ALL his wood (about 4 pieces) into his Z...and that BARELY fit...with one BIG chunk in the passenger front seat.

That pretty much sums up the day. Good times. Good guys. Good wood...And not necessarily in that order. ;)

I want to thank you all for coming here and saving this lovely tree from rotting. I certainly am not ready for it. But was afraid that if it sat until next winter, it may have gotten ugly. The briars and underbrush would have been uncomfortably thick in another month. Here's to the next time a tree falls and I need some friends to take some wood off my hands. I hope you all create some beautiful pieces.

Speaking of which, I propose in a month's time, we all show a finished product from this tree. What say you? Can everyone do it?

Here are pics of our day. They are uploaded chronologically. I will try to label them as best as I can. This will take a 4 posts. So, please hold comments until I have them all listed. Thanks.

1) Group photo. Left to right, Dan Hintz, Dan Carroll, Patrick, Mike, and Tony
2) Tree across creek with one trunk removed. Patrick cutting main trunk.
3) Patrick and Tony admiring their cut.
4) Patrick starting his next cut.
5) Just a peek at what we were finding...

Dan Carroll
03-13-2011, 11:28 PM
It was a great day --- Mike provided the food and tree and I was along for the ride. Not having a pick up, the back of my car was just a bit low from the take. It is all safely home, ends waxed and waiting (well not all of it us waiting). Thanks, Mike, it was a great day, even if I did not start with the beer before noon, like some folks....

Mike Cruz
03-13-2011, 11:30 PM
1) Me pulling a log out with my tractor.
2) & 3) Two end cuts of the logs.
4) Patrick cutting up one of the big logs.
5) You can see some of the ambrosia in the outside of this blank.

Mike Cruz
03-13-2011, 11:35 PM
1) 2) & 4) are more end grain shots of what we were uncovering.
3) This is a log that 4 came from.
5) The root ball pushed into the creek to wash the dirt off for future cutting up. For those that are keeping score, when I spoke of me falling into the creek, well, pushing this root ball into the creek, I fell over...onto the root ball, ALMOST into the creek...I never got wet.

Mike Cruz
03-13-2011, 11:42 PM
1) & 2) are of a crotch. The pics don't do them justice.
3) This one shows some great discoloration.
4) This is Patrick's haul.
5) This is Tony's haul.

Sorry, I didn't take any pics of my haul or of Peter's haul. I got about what either of Patrick or Tony got...not the two loads Dan said. Peter got a nice little pile...

Hope you enjoyed the pics. I know I enjoyed the whole experience. Maybe not the 1 1/2 hours this post took...but even that wasn't so bad. :)

Baxter Smith
03-14-2011, 8:49 AM
Congratulations to all of you who got together. Looks like a great time and some great rewards for your efforts! I am sure everyone had a great time Mike and appreciate the memories. I am sorry I wasn't close enough to participate this time. I think I could have had a good time!:)

Tony De Masi
03-14-2011, 9:03 AM
What a day it was. Met some new Creeker friends and came away with a whole mess of maple. Only took me an hour to seal and stack it all too. Now it's time for some new chains for my saw. How Peter ended up with some of this haul after ONLY showing up for lunch is beyond me. Nice play Peter.

Was a really great day at the Cruz Estate. Thanks to Mike and his wife for great hospitality.

Mike Cruz
03-14-2011, 10:59 AM
Yeah, Tony, I'm trying to figure that one out myself, too. I guess he was playing the pity (broken foot) card really well...maybe a little too well. Other than the two big logs I got, Peter hauled away as much as I have. I hope everyone got enough. I'm sure there will be another downed tree before too long. As a matter of fact, there is a smaller maple down right now. I think I'll let that one sit and purdy up for a little bit...

Peter Elliott
03-14-2011, 11:02 AM
I smell hamburgers..... on my way!

Mike Cruz
03-14-2011, 12:04 PM
Just took a pic of my earnings.

Never mind the standing log/seat, and the two long logs behind the obvious maple...

Dan Hintz
03-14-2011, 12:22 PM
Yeah, it was a real bear slicing up that Maple plywood to make that ramp ;)

Let me know when you're ready to drag that stump out of the creek. I betcha there's some nice stuff hiding in there :D

Mike Cruz
03-14-2011, 1:40 PM
Yeah, there probably is a lot of nice stuff in the stump...but I'm too lazy to go get it...

Just to be clear, Peter DID earn that wood. Maybe not on Saturday, but he's come over a few times, now, to "save" me when I needed an extra set of hands. Once to place the lathe bed back on the stand after I had completed their refinishing, once to get the motor out of my band saw while it was percariously leaning, and I'm sure there were at least one if not two other times that he has helped me out. So, Peter, enjoy that wood...you DID earn it.

Tim Thiebaut
03-14-2011, 2:38 PM
Glad you all had a good time and no one got hurt, that is some nice looking wood you all got there.

Mike Cruz
03-14-2011, 3:18 PM
Thanks, Tim. We're all glad no one got hurt, too. ;)

Peter, I think you have some pics to share with us...

Dan, I thought I'd pull a Mike. And here's a pic to prove it...:D ;) :rolleyes:

Dan Hintz
03-14-2011, 4:42 PM
Hah! You did get it out ;) So which half is mine? :p

Mike Cruz
03-17-2011, 10:02 PM
While taking the dogs on a walk today, I realized there is a bit of a hole were the tree had laid. Here are some pics of it gone...

And if you look at these pics, you'll notice another one laying down behind the one still standing. Oh, and for those that didn't come to see the one that is standing...it is leaning up agains another tree...a much smaller tree...with its roots in the creek...probably won't hold too long. :D :D I figure I will leave the one that is laying down on the ground there through the summer to see if it still bares leaves. If not, looks like we'll have another cuttin' up party next winter!

Peter Elliott
03-25-2011, 12:42 AM
Made a short video of the footage I got a few weeks ago at Mike Cruz's home.
Could not figure how to post video link here.


188155 (https://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/l5WI5mLFzT1GnokHxESIhY6BIV3-2fC9sPwrtd_4ZtI?feat=directlink)
https://picasaweb.google.com/dcfdbandmanager/MikeySMaple?authkey=Gv1sRgCLPTwci45Y75qwE#55878606 77382647730

David E Keller
03-25-2011, 8:31 PM
Pretty cool video, Peter. There's one still shot in there of a ridiculously pretty spalted piece... I'm anxious to see that one turned. I think it's the one in the fourth photo that Mike posted in #59 above.

Baxter Smith
03-25-2011, 9:49 PM
Thanks for the clip Peter. Watching Mike fall in the creek was worth the price of admission!

Tony De Masi
03-26-2011, 8:32 AM
Nice job Peter. Maybe you should put it in it's own thread???

Mike Cruz
03-28-2011, 11:20 AM
Back frommy ski vacation, and just saw this. Great video, Peter, thanks for making it and sharing. Loved the music. Quite fitting...

Dan Hintz
03-28-2011, 11:28 AM
I finally have 240V sockets in the shop... new dust collector is now plugged in, and the bandsaw needs to be dialed in, but it's now usable :) This is good news for setting up the wood lathe...

Dick Wilson
03-28-2011, 12:13 PM
Made a short video of the footage I got a few weeks ago at Mike Cruz's home.
Could not figure how to post video link here.


188155 (https://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/l5WI5mLFzT1GnokHxESIhY6BIV3-2fC9sPwrtd_4ZtI?feat=directlink)
https://picasaweb.google.com/dcfdbandmanager/MikeySMaple?authkey=Gv1sRgCLPTwci45Y75qwE#55878606 77382647730

ROFL!! Human beavers at work. Curious minds want to know if you guys ever got the 500 lb. chunk out of the creek that you rolled into it? Or is part of your dam design?:D:D:D The shot of the spaulted end makes me drool.

Mike Cruz
03-28-2011, 1:32 PM
Yes, Dick, I got it out of the creek by myself...well, WITH my tractor... I posted a pic of it earlier in this thread, but here it is still hanging from my bucket, ready to get hosed down.

Dan Hintz
03-28-2011, 1:40 PM
Looks like you didn't seal the end :(