View Full Version : Used Jet 16-42

Greg Just
03-03-2011, 7:12 AM
The is a guy about 3 hours away from me selling a slightly used Jet 16-42 on E-bay. It has been sitting in his garage, set up but not really used. Apparently he will part with it for $1500. I'm a little concern about it sitting in his garage for a year and the condition of the bearings and other components being subject to moisture and extreme cold temps. This guy is near Fargo. What do you think?

Fred Perreault
03-03-2011, 7:26 AM
It sounds like he is asking the upper limit for a used machine. New machine, new warranty and new parts come for a few hundred dollars more. If it hasn't seen a lot of moisture, it should (??) be fine. But it sounds a wee bit pricey for a used question mark. A suitable inspection (cracks?) would be in order. Maybe a lower price... more accesories ?

Brian Libby
03-03-2011, 7:36 AM
Even though it has been in the cold moisture would be a concern, but there does not appear to be any rust on ways, so that is a good sign.
With a new machine bearings should not be an issue and as long as there was not high moisture the electronics should not be affected.
IMHO it should be a good buy.

John Keeton
03-03-2011, 7:45 AM
Part of the price of a new one is the 5 year warranty. I do not know about transferability, but at the best, you have lost a year or two on the warranty, and no real idea how well he has cared for it. For me, there would be advantages to a new one shipped to your door, with a five year warranty. Might be worth a few dollars. Just my thoughts.

Dan Hintz
03-03-2011, 7:46 AM
I think that's very close to what I paid for mine new during Jet's last sale. I'm assuming this is the 1.5HP model. If it's the 2HP model, it's an okay deal, assuming there's nothing wrong with it.

Montgomery Scott
03-03-2011, 9:33 AM
A new 1.5hp model currently costs $1900 delivered http://www.equipmentsalesandsurplus.com/product_p/708-359.htm. (http://www.equipmentsalesandsurplus.com/product_p/708-359.htm)

I bought mine around three years ago for $1200 new with the 18" extension included, before the prices jumped. $1500 for the 2hp model seems reasonable. I wouldn't be too concerned about the motor or bearings. Cold temps aren't likely to have much effect unless you see significant rusting.

Cathy Schaewe
03-03-2011, 10:38 AM
I got my 1642 1.5 hp last year for $1600, free shipping. I don't think that's such a great deal if it's the 1.5 hp.

dennis kranz
03-03-2011, 10:54 AM
If it is a 2hp I would think that 1500 is a good price. Mine is older than that and I would start about there. As far as sitting in a cold garage and not being used. How many of you reading this have your machines in a unheated garage? Talk to him, ask for a couple bucks off.

Thom Sturgill
03-03-2011, 11:20 AM
I think you've gotten good advice. Check with Tool Nut on their current price (they seem to always have the best delivered price) and decide if the year or so of warranty is worth the difference. Make sure you know whether that is the 1 1/2hp (112volt) or 2hp (220volt) model - there is a several hundred dollar difference in price. Also, if its the 220v - do you have to get an electrician to run a circuit? That would add to the cost, so you need to evaluate whether you need/want the extra power.

Greg Just
03-03-2011, 2:04 PM
This the 1.5 hp model and 220v is a problem for me. It would cost a lot to run a new line across my finished basement.

Steve Schlumpf
03-03-2011, 3:00 PM
Greg - I would call Sean at ToolNut and see what kind of a deal you could get for a brand new one. Price is high for a used 1 1/2 hp version in my opinion.

Kirk Miller
03-03-2011, 3:20 PM
Deciding if it is a good deal or not is all really up to you. Do you research, find out what a new one goes for and then talk to the guy and let him know what you feel is a good price. In my experience on craigslist, or buying anything used if you politely explain why you think their price is too high people will listen and lower their price or decide they don't want to let it go at your price. Just my 2 cents.

Kyle Iwamoto
03-03-2011, 5:25 PM
As many have already mentioned, it's not that great of a deal. BUT if he has some tooling, consider that also. Figure 60 bucks a chisel, buck half for a good scrolling chuck.

Just a thought. You'll have to buy tools soon. But then, lack of tools could explain it not being used.....

Greg Just
03-03-2011, 7:59 PM
Greg - I would call Sean at ToolNut and see what kind of a deal you could get for a brand new one. Price is high for a used 1 1/2 hp version in my opinion.

I plan to call Sean in the morning.

Steve Campbell
03-03-2011, 8:12 PM
Greg if I remember right the 1 1/2 horse power is a 110/220 volt lathe. If thats the case you could swap it back to 110 volt and not have to rewire your shop.


Greg Just
03-10-2011, 11:57 AM
I found out from Sean at Tool Nut that this lathe will be going on sale next week. Guess I will be buying a new one and passing on this one. They are almost the same price delivered to my garage.

Dan Hintz
03-10-2011, 12:09 PM
Yep... the sales help a lot. Besides, you'll be spending money on tools that will way overshadow the lathe purchase price ;)

John W Dixon
03-10-2011, 5:01 PM
Congrats, You can't go wrong dealing with Sean at Toolnut. They are a real pleasure to work with.

Jon Lanier
03-10-2011, 5:06 PM
I do a grading system on used Power Tools. What does it cost new, then cut the price in half. From there I decide to upgrade or downgrade depending on the condition of the tool. If I really want it, I might go a little higher. Then make the offer.

Too many people out there wanting way to much for a previously purchased tools. They almost think they should get what they paid for it.

Linda Persoon
03-10-2011, 6:31 PM
Greg, I'm glad you are getting a new one. I have the same lathe bought new in 2008 for $1200 before the price jump. I added a shelf and 4-75# sand tubes for ballast. Absolutely, no regrets. Enjoy!

Jerry Rhoads
03-11-2011, 7:08 AM
Good catch on the sale Greg.
I was going to mention that Jet/Powermatic will have a 15% off sale for St. Patricks week. March 15th. through 21st.
I think that is what I seen in our local store.

Last summer you could get the Jet 1642 for $1500. You may save money on the slightly used one, however if it cost 2-$300 more to pay the tax and get a full warranty, it is worth it.
The Jet 1642 is a great lathe by the way


Greg Just
03-18-2011, 5:37 PM
Well I pulled the trigger today and ordered a new Jet 1642, the 1.5 hp model from Tool Nut. Hope to have it in a week to 10 days. The Jet and PM sale runs through Monday.

Bernie Weishapl
03-18-2011, 6:49 PM
Congrats Greg. You are going to like that machine and you made a great choice to go new as like the others the used one was high and the not knowing after sitting didn't have a warm fuzzy.

Cathy Schaewe
03-18-2011, 9:19 PM
You will love it! I talk to mine ...

Dick Strauss
03-19-2011, 11:58 AM
Congrats on the new lathe!

I thought you were only supposed to talk to them when they were acting up??? I guess they might act up more to get more attention. Maybe that's my problem;)

Cathy Schaewe
03-19-2011, 10:16 PM
I thought you were only supposed to talk to them when they were acting up??? I guess they might act up more to get more attention. Maybe that's my problem;)

Oh no, they're just like any other woman. You have to let them know you're interested in what they're thinking, and that you're listening to them. Waiting until they're upset is a big, big mistake. :eek:

(I think I must have breathed too much walnut dust today...:rolleyes:)