View Full Version : Tool Organization

Harry Robinette
03-02-2011, 9:48 PM
This is how I organize my tools,the ones in the rafters I don't use allot and my set of Thompsons are laying on my roll-a-round they have to find a home soon.The spin-a-rounds I came up with so I can work from ether lathe.

Jon Lanier
03-02-2011, 10:21 PM
Wow, you really got a place for all of them. I love looking at this, because I don't think I will ever have that many turning tools.

Doug W Swanson
03-02-2011, 11:50 PM
Where's the dust? With a shop that clean do you ever work in there!?:D

Tim Thiebaut
03-03-2011, 12:39 AM
I just love looking at pictures of wood shops and the tools in them, however I had a hard time getting past the first picture with all of the wood in it! Those spin around tool racks are very cool, thanks for shareing the pictures!

Dick Wilson
03-03-2011, 2:09 AM
Harry, I realized a couple of things when looking at your pictures. I would have turning strings hanging all over those pretty tool racks, etc. For me, it would be a nightmare to clean up, not that I am a clean freak but my area around the lathe looks like a pay toilet in a bus terminal :-)))) I mostly.......turn. You certainly have a WOW!!! shop. Great job.

Harry Robinette
03-03-2011, 9:36 AM
The reason it's so clean is because I just cleaned for the pictures.Also have had my shoulder messed up and haven't turned much the last couple of weeks.
Dick-I do get curllys in them but the vacuum takes care of them.

John Keeton
03-03-2011, 2:25 PM
I don't ever want to be chided for my neatness and organization after this thread!!! Very nice shop, Harry! And, I see you have the tilt bins for sanding supplies, too. Great thread - took the heat off me!

Steve Schlumpf
03-03-2011, 2:38 PM
WOW! Way... organized! Looks like you have everything well thought out! I do like the swinging gouge racks! Cool idea! Do you use a shower curtain or anything to hold in the shavings? If not - it does make cleanup a lot easier!

Thomas Canfield
03-03-2011, 9:36 PM
Harry, You really do have it organized and clean. I saw this last night and was in such a state of shock (and shame of my mess) that I could not respond. Makes me want to clean up and get organized, but my driveway is covered with wood that I need to turn.You do have a lot of good ideas for utilizing your available space.

Bernie Weishapl
03-03-2011, 10:04 PM
Harry I guess I won't show a picture of my shop. It is a mess compared to yours. Looks good Harry.

Ron Stadler
03-04-2011, 12:27 AM
Wow, looks like you got one heck of a setup there, I could take tips from you or organization.:)

Scott Hubl
03-04-2011, 6:48 AM
Nice shop Harry and nice use of space, is there a lathe on each side of the wall hence the spinners?

I think I might see just a bit of a Vega bowl lathe on one side?

Jeff Nicol
03-04-2011, 7:51 AM
Harry, You have more room used for tools than I have for my whole shop!!! Just kidding, but my tools are in 3 different locations at 3 lathes so it is not as organized as yours! I am going to get my shop cleaned, organized and un-clutterd in the next few months, and I will use some of your ideas. I like the magnet bars from HF in your racks. I have 10 or more of them around the shop holding many hundreds of bits, cutters, tools and stuff, so maybe I need to get them used more effieciently. They are on sale for $4.99 right now so maybe a couple more will be needed in the end!

Nice set up,


Neil McWilliams
03-10-2011, 1:03 AM
Sheer green envy....that's all I can say.