View Full Version : A Few Turnings

Keith Westfall
03-02-2011, 8:31 PM
After encouragement by many here, I am posting a few of efforts. Pictures are not great (I an NOT a photographer!) but they are all I have.

Just need to remember what wood I have used - usually having too much fun to care...:D


1st "inside out" - candlestick for wedding present this weekend


Candlestick - 12' tall spaulted something that was given to me - also wedding present this weekend
1st turning project (after a few pens)

Christmas gifts

For LOML at Christmas - solid blood wood, 1/2" recess for candle. Candle turned to match! That made the shop smell nice for a bit!! Still smell it when you turn on the vac. :D


Another Christmas for the LOML - Walnut I think, Candle also turned to match the shape of the candlestick. candles are soft... :confused:

Anyway, that's it.


David E Keller
03-02-2011, 8:35 PM
Great looking stuff, Keith. The good news is that you've managed some really nice looking turnings... The bad news is that you're gonna have to spend all weekend at a couple of weddings.

Bernie Weishapl
03-02-2011, 10:36 PM
Those are some really nice turnings. I do like that first candle stick.

John Keeton
03-03-2011, 7:29 AM
Keith, those are some neat items! I like the pair of candlesticks - really nice contrast of the heartwood/sapwood and nice work on the inside out turning, too.

bob svoboda
03-03-2011, 9:51 AM
Really nice stuff, Keith. The inside-out candlestick is especially appealing to me.

Ron Stadler
03-03-2011, 11:26 AM
Really like your inside out turning, would like to try a couple of those myself, very nice work.