View Full Version : Turning small spindles

Curt Fuller
03-01-2011, 11:18 PM
In a recent discussion on wow there was some talk about Stuart Batty. I had heard the name but had to google his name to see his work. (Well worth a few minutes of your time). It inspired me to try a tall skinny goblet. What a humbling experience. As for length to diameter ratio, this is the longest and skinniest I've ever done. And it still looks like a giant sequoia compared to his. But it was fun even if nerve wracking. Some good dense wood would work better. This was done entirely with a 3/4" skew (except for hollowing the cup) and is 11.5" tall by 1.5" dia. The stem is 3/16" at the top tapering to 1/4". It's Siberian Elm, sorry for the fuzzy picture.

Tim Thiebaut
03-02-2011, 12:41 AM
I went and checked out Stuarts site, wow some very cool things on there, I love this Nuts & Bolts...similar to JR Beall but Stuart takes them a step further and his are actualy boxes! Very cool! And love the goblet you have made here, I think this is one of the most unique goblets I have seen and it works wonderful.

Mark Hubl
03-02-2011, 12:49 AM
Very nice Curt. Nice to hear you did this with a skew. Super kudos. Some in our club do these with skews, gouges or ewt. Just watching demos is nerve wracking on these forms. Nice.

Stuart and his son do excellent work. Definetly worth googlein them.

Michelle Rich
03-02-2011, 7:18 AM
lovely piece..I'd be afraid to hold it..wow that's a skinny spindle. :)Now as to hollowing with a skew :) I've done it & it works just great..!!!!Next one, maybe 100% skew work???:eek: Adventuresome work, and quite appealing piece

John Keeton
03-02-2011, 7:34 AM
Impressive, Curt!! Even more so with the dreaded skew!! This is way outside my skill level - very well done!

Jim Burr
03-02-2011, 7:35 AM
I think the cup would hold a bit of scotch after I'd finished! That looks like a fun day Curt!

bob svoboda
03-02-2011, 9:20 AM
Very nice, Curt. I like the long, skinny stem and the shape of the cup-they go great together.

Bernie Weishapl
03-02-2011, 10:33 AM
That is one nice piece Curt. I look at Stuart's site and it is impressive as is your piece.

Scott Hackler
03-02-2011, 10:49 AM
Very nice Curt. Expecially knowing you used that darn skew!

David E Keller
03-02-2011, 11:57 AM
Very cool. I need to try my hand at one of these next time I get some nice branch pieces... I hope it turns out this well.

Steve Schlumpf
03-02-2011, 12:14 PM
Curt - you consistently post work that causes everyone to say WOW! Once again your imagination had created a seemingly simple goblet that few of us could turn even if we wanted to!

Beautiful goblet - love the wood!

Deane Allinson
03-02-2011, 7:45 PM
Correct. I certainly said WOW. Very nice!

David DeCristoforo
03-02-2011, 7:52 PM
Stuart Batty might set the bar for this kind of turning but you did great with this one. And I'm glad you mentioned the fuzzy pic. I was afraid I needed new glasses!

charlie knighton
03-02-2011, 8:46 PM
Curt , nicely done on your spindel/goblet

if you could only copy one turner, it would probably be Sturart Batty. i have seen his father Allan demo, and he is good, but Sturart is on a different level. i saw Sturart in greensboro about two years ago, and a couple weeks ago in nashville.

it is unbelieable what he can turn in 1 1/2 hours. if any of you get a chance to see him do his "volcano bowl" it is a treat, and he uses his votex tool on the underside. of all his demo's none have needed sanding. you should see the bottom

Harry Robinette
03-02-2011, 8:58 PM
Your work is unbelievable I'm just starting the skew I tryed Alan Lacer and got nowhere.Now I using Alan Batty's DVD he is Stuarts dad. We had Stuart at a buddys shop 3 years ago and it was way past GREAT. 6 of us and Stuart a lathe and 9 hrs by the time he stopped the best Saturday I had in a long long time.His dad is known
in England as the father of the Skew and he taught Stuart. Stuart showed us how he does the cup then tapes it to the live center and slowly pulls the live center backward and that keeps a very light pull on the piece so the stem doesn't start to flex ( he also tapes the center to the tail stock first) It gives you just a little pull and it REALLY helps. If you ever get a chance to see Stuart take it don't even think just go.Alan just had a small stroke so I don't think he'll be back to the states again.But if I ever get a chance I'll be there.